Referred for a colposcopy before smear results.

Hi all,

i’m new here. I recently had a smear this week after not having one for nearly 8 years. I have only two symptoms which is discharge and lower back pain however, both i put a reason for them like body changing after a baby etc. No one I know really talks about discharge and quite frankly I found it rather embarrassing. I had a negative Sti test so I thought it was fine. During my examination the nurse said I had started to bleed quite a bit and said that my cervix was really red, raw and angry. Her face said a 1000 words. After the examination I bled quite heavy for some time. The nurse told me that she would be sending an urgent referral even without having the smear results. I’m a bit worried now, it’s my own fault I should have had thesme smear 5 years ago when the symptoms started. Just wanted to know if anyone else had been referred before having the results? 

  • Hi

    The same thing happened to me and I ended up in ambulance as my blood pressure dropped. I had a colposcopy under anaesthetic as it was painful for doctor to look. They took biopsies and unfortunately the cancer is already there. I’m going for scans next week then results on 21st ️

    My hope is that they can just do hysterectomy, I’m 56. I hope your results are more favourable but try to keep positive, it’s easier said than done xx

  • Hi daleslady,

    did the cervix brush hurt when you had the smear? Mine killed they did offer to stop but I thought just get it done did they tell you after the colposcopy what the found/thought? Aww fingers crossed for you that they do the hysterectomy and your results are in your favour too.

    I’m 27 I had my smear done in family planning as I was hoping to have the coil fitted so I thought bite the bullet have the smear done the same time. The nurses face just said like a 1000 words when she examined me. 

  • Hi HannahLou92

    Yes it did hurt and that’s when it started bleeding. They managed to get some cells to send off though. 

    After the colposcopy they said there was a 5cm mass that was all but they did seem a bit cagey. What’s the situation with you now lovely? X

  • Hi daleslady,

    I finally have an appt for colposcopy on the 29th. I was the same bled like a heavy period after it and the brush started it. I'm glad I have the appt now just don't know what to expect really. X


  • Hi

    I had mine under anaesthetic as when the Doctor in hospital tried to examine me I found it too painful. Some people don't but take painkillers just in case xx

  • Hi daleslady,

    How was you after it? Did they discharge you the same day or kept you in over night? I'll defo take your advice and take some painkillers with me xx

  • Hi

    I had it late at night, around 9pm so I was in overnight and came home after lunch the next day. I was ok apart from some bleeding and very tired from anaesthetic. 

  • Hi [@HannahLou92]‍ 

    i was wondering how you got on please? I'm on the same situation and going out of my mind with worry, whilst Waitinb for my urgent gynaecologist appointment. Hope you are ok.

  • HiCasey123,

    I was HPV negative, the first gynaecologist I seen wasn't to concerned at the time she thought it was my womb lining had grown on to my cervix but took three biopsies. however, had cin 2 on two of the biopsies and cin 3 on the third when I went for treatment they give me the results the same time which was about 3 weeks after. I had cold coagulation to remove it all. It's been nearly 6 months I'm due to go back soon, my symptoms stopped for a while however they are back so I'll be glad when I go back. 
    I get really embarrassed with things like that but they were lovely enough and explained everything on both occasions I went. The dr I seen the second time said i was lucky I was sent with what they seen rather than the results because I may have fallen through the net due to being hpv negative. She also said it could come back so it's not completely unusual. Hope all goes well with you when have u got ur appt? 

  • Sorry to hear you've had to have some treatment and I really hope you don't need anymore. Did they say why you had a negative hpv test if you had CIN? I had a negative hpv less than a year so trying to hang on to that as a bit of reassurance I haven't got cancer, but I guess it's not that accurate in your case :(. 
    when is your next app? I've got a telephone app on Monday with hospital. They rang me within an hour of my urgent referral. I'm in such a state of worry and feel alone