Mole scabbed, fell off, and is as new..?!

Hi all,

I’m so sorry if I’ve posted this to the wrong place or out of turn, I’ve no idea where this will end up or where to post!!! Sorry.

I’m 19, and just posting this because I’m not too worried but am not sure if I should be more worried or not. 

My moles are all rather small and round. They’re not very raised. Over the past couple of years, I’ve had a few issues —usually, an irritation will cause me to scratch near a mole on my arm, and I’ll absently scratch it thinking the mole is a nat bite. Sometimes they’ve then scabbed over, fallen off, and reappeared as new, or not reappeared. I think there’s one or two occasions where I’ve accidentally caught one and taken it right off. 


Over the past few weeks I noticed 2 moles —one on my stomach and one on my arm— which are more raised than the others (always have been I think) and (to the best of my knowledge) they scabbed over on their own accord. Small, flat scabs. Not necessarily covering the whole thing. Not very scaly. Slightly itchy? No change in size. Slight darkening though. So, I absently picked at them slightly (I’m anxious and tend to fidget like that). I tried not to though, and eventually both scabs fell of near enough naturally. And all that’s left is a mole like the original one. 


So yeah... not sure what to make of it. Any advice appreciated! Will probs go to the docs sometime anyway, but I’ve not been prioritising it. 

  • Hi,

    If your moles are scabbing for no apparent reason (like a skin complaint) then please prioritise a GP appointment. It may probably be nothing but the longer you leave it the problem may get worse - the secret is to catch it early. Hopefully it's found to be nothing to worry about but it needs checking out. Good luck and please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (melanoma patient)

  • Hi Angie, 

    Thank you for your reply! 

    Okay, will do. I haven’t anything to show them at the minute (they all seem fine), but maybe they’d take a sample anyway or something? 

    Thanks again, 

    Best wishes,


  • Hi,

    I hope you’re well.

    I don’t want to invade your privacy but can I ask, how did it go? I’ve picked off a brown flat scab on my neck (thought it might be darker due to me using spray tan) and as I was doing it I thought I’d seen a mole there before. Due to it being scabby I thought that it wasn’t and pulled it off, but after it was more painful than it would normally be with a normal scab that looked almost ready to fall off. I still have some of the mole left on my neck, but I went through some old pictures and I’ve realised now that I did have a slightly raised mole on my neck and that’s the only mark on my neck now so it must have been a mole. Would just like a little bit of information on the outcome because it’s Friday now and the GP is closed.