Diagnosed breast cancer but feeling OK - am I odd?


Initial diagnosis just RHS breast at stage 2 but grade 3 so having chemo pre surgery, 1st EC on 29th August, awaiting CT, bone scan & biopsy on LHS, results due 21st August.  Had really quick & excellent treatment compared to many plus am a stoic/daft Yorkshire lass who is ready for an adventure (although I can think of better ones!!)

Been looking at the forums more so for practical advice re what to expect re chemo, what I should be doing re diet, questions to ask the cancer team who are supporting me.

Told all family & close friends and set up a whatsapp group so they know what I am doing, so far enjoying this as it’s an opportunity for all to be entertained as well as not having to have the same bl00dy conversation over & over. Definitely decided against face book as they're not close & I know it would be filled with motivational quotes - not what I am after at all. 

Hopefully there are some other people out there who are feeling relatively positive, in the meantime am off to Edinburgh fringe this weekend to watch some very odd shows - whoop, whoop!

  • Praise

    How are you feeling today, did you still sleep well last night?? Hoping you may be one of the lucky ones who sails through chemo...and all of us on here, of course.



  • Hi Sam 

    Honestly am ok.just needs lots of drinks which am doing a bit mouth dry but with more fluids its helpful. I have been on my feet do all the house work,slept well no much concerns at all.

    Hopefully am going to finish well Mighty .God on our side fighting our battles till we win

    All the best Sam.keep head up with positives. 

    God loves you and wants you to be well

  • Patrice

    My kind of lady - someone who enjoys my totally lame sense of humour, I've had to keep apologising in the hospitals, they put up with me and luckily yesterday didn't bandage my whole head as well as boobs.

    I'd like to say I don't drink much but that would be a lie of late...I've decided that I am going to lose my taste for booze so have been drinking more than normal, not yet on a bottle of vino a night, just 1/2...too old to be able to drink any more without falling asleep and dribbling on the sofa!

    Recent holey boob fine now, was quite annoying during my usual rinse & spin routine in bed last night but seems to have stopped bleeding, which is nice!

    4 cats & 2 dogs - are you sure you don't live in a zoo?  Very impressive, if I didn't work I'd have tonnes more..and a cheaper bigger house back in the mother-land of Yorkshire vs an over-priced 2 up 2 down in Surrey.  

    Please do let me know names of animals & types of dogs, I grew up with very unkempt poodles (my mother's fascination) of each size, cats (varying from vvv wild to tame), parrots, hamsters, bunnies etc., best (& most daft standard poodle) was "mogadon" who lived up to his namesake...poodles get smaller brains the larger they are.

    Today is "lets try out the fake eyelashes I bought in anticipation" day.  Not sure it was quite as easy as the idiots on youtube have led me to believe but I can see (sort of) and haven't blinded myself or stuck my eyes together so a big SUCCESS I think.  Also got my digital ear thermometer and a delightfully pink tangle teaser from postie...awaiting some chemo caps, and need to consider whether I want nail varnish to protect my nails, don't want to lose nails but hate varnish on my hands (feet are a must however if on public view).

    Do you know when your MRI is yet?  Presumably if your 1st chemo is 3rd Sept its going to be next week?

    Off to do some hard graft in the garden (i.e. Reading in the shade!).

    Sam X

  • Praise

    Blummin' good to hear, what chemo drugs have they got you on?



  • Marlyn

    Oooh trucker, I hadn't thought of that, all I need is a checked shirt, some sturdy boots and a hankering for Yorkies & I'm there.  Or maybe I'm just something that rhymes with trucker mmm, no idea have to add smiley/winky faces so please imagine one here.

    Thanks for wishes re chemo next week, I've decided am going to be all Praise & sail through it, I will not however, regardless of how I feel, and unlike Praise, be doing housework 2 days later. Even if am fine I will be telling everyone how terrible it is so that friends & family come round & clean my house for me...I think you'll find its a truly cunning strategy..don't tell anyone!

    Right my John Grisham, with maybe a cheeky herbal tea (can't drink alcohol all day long can I?) is calling....

    Sam X

  • Lol I too have a lame sense of humour similar to Marmite!!

    My (donkey) dog is called Meadow she’s an Alaskan Malamute, the other is Saoirse a King Charles, cats are Bagheera a Maine Coon, Emse, Missy and Buddy all rescues.

    I had my MRI last Wed, it was grand they decided to do a Brain one too, I’m presuming that was also down to my sense of humour or to check if there was anything there!! 

    Glad you stopped bleeding nothing worse than unnecessary washing lol

    I’m blessed that I am a trained makeup artist I think that’s going to help me get through this, I’ve just had my hair cut short from down below my butt up to a bob and I’m not even traumatised!

    I have a slight obsession with nail varnish and I will definitely be keeping it up, makes me feel good so that’s always a plus.

    Secret with eyelashes is keep your eye open, look straight ahead at a mirror and place down on your eyelash then ounce in place with tweezers, good luck with that lol



  • Hi Sam 

    FEC  nurse said is the nastiest drug(pink one and clear)

    They seem to be friends with my body.

    I can even go to work tomorrow 


  • Patrice
    I lurve the malamutes, they look so cuddleicious yet Wolfy - will they embrace or kill you, either way its a win win in my book, and a very similar dog (not) in a King Charles, sorry but they always remind me of the pot ones adorning fire places.  Please tell me you didn't get Meadow following Game Of Thrones?  Never watched it but read an article saying how the breed had got vvv popular following that blummin' program with lots of rescue dogs as a result.  I like to make it a habit not to watch shows a) that I have to pay for (your typical tight northerner, and so much similar rubbish on free view anyway) and b) that everyone raves about whilst they're still raving (have only just watched box set of breaking bad).  Anyhoo pay TV/GOT rant over...er like shouldn't I be raving about cancer...ah well.

    Some interesting names too - I like it.  I say you can always tell a lot about the owner by their animals' names (my boyfriend always goes for the bleeding obvious - blackie, whitey..you get the picture, strangely enough I don't consult him for MY animals).  My 2 fatty bum bum rescue cats are from Spain and come with their own passports so are called Azul & Coccina (being my take on a Spanish kitchen).

    You're an MUA! (as they say on that there youtube - took me ages to figure out what they were on about, I did earlier this year get addicted to Jeffrey Star and failed make up launches from the MUAs - it was better than a soap opera for a while, but then I decided to get a life). 
    You'll be glad to know that after 3 attempts i think I've got my lash fakery as much as I can be bothered and the inner edge is no longer stabbing me in the eyeball, which is a lot more pleasant than before, I don't usually cry whilst reading John Grisham but i was this morning due to these blummin' eye caterpillars. I do however think I have now accelerated the chemo effect and lost 50% of what lashes I had yesterday...Will you be partaking of the falsies?

    A Brain MRI eh?  Obviously thought there was no point as nowt to scan in my case, I think my non biopsy MRI was an overall one, was yours on your front with your boobs dangling into plastic squares below you?  I love going on the scanning tables face down, always feel SOOO graceful trying to get on and get in the right/a comfortable position.  I think a rhino would actually be more delicate.

    Lordy your hair was long, did you give it to charity?  My sister used to have hair past her bum but got sick of Taiwanese (she lives out there) asking her why her hair was so long.
    So am guessing with your profession you're not attending the look good feel better workshops?  Or are you presenting?  
    I'm booked into an Oct look good FB on reserve list & if not Nov, just used it as an excuse to buy new make-up (yay!), usually use organic/natural products but given the drain cleaner / radioactivity soon to be introduced to my chemical free bod am throwing caution to the wind and embracing Clarins brow kit and eye shadows.

    I've also invested in, for nails, Auriga si-nails polish which someone on breast cancer swears stopped their nails cracking and same brand polish remover (as acetone free) as they are undergoing same chemo drugs in same order.

    So basically am spending a bloody fortune - yeah, thanks cancer!

    Crikey aren't you glad that my typeing skills prevent more waffle, you can just imagine what I'm like in real life eh? 

    So when do you think you'll get the MRI results? And is your 1st chemo still 3rd Sept?

    Sam X

  • Praise
    That's fantastic, I'm going to follow your alkali/high protein/few carbs suggestion and see if my chemo side effects are as few as yours. Am torn however re my lovely sweet potatoes as are alkali but also v carby....

    I'll be taking EC which is only an F removed from FEC, how do you know you're not feeling fine as the steroids are still working - how long do the steroids work for?
    Are you just on FEC or do you have something else to look forward to? My last 4 sessions are taxol which sounds delightful.

    Sorry about the 20 questions, dead nosey plus I need to be informed!

    Hope work went/goes well...let me know if you have an chemo brain (not sure I'll actually notice any difference whatsoever).

    Sam X

  • Hi Sam

    I only had steroids from yesterday I think is for 3 days.then tomorrow start antibiotics for 10 days .I am checking every single day see colour in hands and whole body so far no changes.still my mouth is like am pregnant needs drink and food with chillies (hot) which am doing ,small changes with bowel movements which is a bit hard than before I started treatment hopefully with indigestion tablets may be help. 

    I went to church this morning and hoping to go to work as am just single mum will try only 2 times a week to have food for the day.

    What I did I started dieting as soon as I was told about my condition, took it so seriously with some essential oils which honestly made symptoms deceased but lump couldn't change much.mine was 4.4cm before treatment which so far I see no changes yet but heat & discomfort feelings not there any more.

    I wish u all the best Sam just keep saying within you  that I will make it ,I will come out of it.if others are ,and I can too.with that positive mind we will win the battle  above it all will keep u in my prayers daily.

    God bless u
