CA125 slightly raised twice, ultrasound normal

Hi I’m new to here! I’m 44 and Ive been having dull unexplained abdominal pains, so was referred for blood tests and then ultrasound. The ultrasound has come back normal, however the bloods have come back both times slightly raised for CA125. Both sets of bloods were taken during my period the first time was day one (56) and then a month later on last day of my period (62). I’ve read that menstruation can affect the reading. Has anybody experienced anything similar? I’m concerned that the levels have increased and worried what will happen now. Doctor said it was unusual for nothing to be showing on scan so seemed unsure what would happen next other than that I’ve been referred to gynae. I’m so frightened. The scan also showed I have gallstones so I now have a separate referral for this too. Has anybody been in a similar situation please? Thanks


  • Hello Matilda17

    Welcome to the forum and I'm sorry to hear about the health issues that you've been dealing with. It's understandable that you're feeling concerned and worried. 

    CA125 is not a completely reliable test for ovarian cancer. This is because some other conditions of the womb and ovaries also produce CA125, such as endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease and pregnancy.

    The CA125 test shows there is inflammation in the area of the body surrounded by the hip bones (the pelvis). But it cannot tell the doctor exactly what is causing the inflammation.

    Most women have a low level of CA125 in their blood. If your level is high, it is a sign that there is some kind of problem and this will be why the GP has referred you for further investigations with a gynaecologist. 

    I hope that you won't have to wait too long for your appointment but if you'd like to chat things throughwith one of our nurses in the meantime then you can call them on 0808 800 4040 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm). 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Hi,


    I know this is an old post but hopping you can still read on here. Can you please tell me how everything went with you? I am in a very similar situation to your. Very scared and worried

    thank you