Cervical polyp

Hi everyone. I've been to the doc this morning after having vague abdominal and lower back ache. It's getting worse, and I'm going to the loo a lot, weeing. She did a swab, said there was a bit of discharge, and a urine sample showed slight signs of something so I've got antibiotics. But she found a polyp so I'm being referred to the hospital. Trying to think it's nothing, but this ache is really annoying. Pretty much constant. Has anybody else had this? 

  • Hi Westcoastwife

    I haven’t had a cervical polyp myself but my best friend had one last summer. She had it removed as a day case surgery at hospital and has been fine since. It wasn’t cancer, it was benign, but very large and caused her a lot of discomfort. Apart from contracting an infection after the op and being given antibiotics she has had no further issues. Hope everything goes smoothly at your appointment. xx

  • Hi Minska, thanks for replying. I originally went because of all the symptoms I had, the pains, spotting, weeing a lot, bloating and a strange kind of pain at top of my leg. I sure I'll be fine, but I'm pretty worried. Not sure how long hospital appointment will take, but the lower stomach pain is getting worse gradually. Doc also took a swab as I had a bit of discharge too. Xx
  • Hi Westcoastwife

    I hope it doesn’t take too long for your hospital appointment to come through, I well remember how worrying it is waiting for appointments when you’re in discomfort. Do you know if the doctor referred you on the 2 week pathway? Hopefully it will be something that the gynaecologist can sort out easily for you. xx


  • Hi there, 

    I don't know anything about the 2 week pathway, I haven't heard of it. I just know she is referring me because of the symptoms. But I hope it is a quick appointment, put my mind at rest. I'll find out the results of swab this week she sadi. Xx

  • Hi again...the doctor would make an urgent referral (2 week pathway) if they had reason to suspect something nasty. Doesn’t mean to say it would be anything nasty, but doctors have certain guidelines to follow when patients present with certain symptoms. At least you’ll have the swab results quickly and can hopefully get that issue cleared up in no time.xx

  • Thank you for explaining. At least if it does come in quickly then I won't get such a shock xx

  • Think of it as soonest seen, soonest sorted! Do let us know how you get on. xx

  • Hi

    just wondering how you got on? I had a cervical polyp removed last year (which was benign) now I have another one... my gynaecologist said it doesn't look nasty but he is removing it on 24th January. I am more worried this time as I have been reading dr google (I know I shouldn't) and it says they shouldn't return. Now I'm terrified that it's not actually a polyp but a tumour! Hoping to come across someone else that has had a recurring cervical polyp. 

    natalie xxx

  • Hi there, sorry for not updating. I went for a biopsy, but there was Insufficient tissue, so 2 weeks ago I had another under general anaesthetic, so will prob find out in a few weeks. The doctor is sure there is nothing there as it all looks normal.

    But I've also had another turn of events. I had my first mammogram a few weeks ago and got recalled. There is an area of precancerous cells in my left breast, so I've to have surgery and then 4 weeks of radiotherapy.  So glad it's caught very early. Am actually positive the gynae one is fine because the doc is so sure, but this breast one has totally thrown me.

    I hope everyone is well xxx