I had an endometrial biopsy on 17th June and it was so painful. I’m glad I didn’t read up on it before I got it done because otherwise I would have backed out! I didn’t have any anaesthetic and it was one of the worst pains I’ve ever experienced.
Im 25years old and went the doctors about something completely different but decided to mention whilst I was there that my periods had become longer. Spotting before and then my main period and then spotting afterwards - totalling almost 14 days sometimes.
They sent me for an ultrasound as a precaution and that wasn’t bad at all. I wasn’t expecting to get a phone call after the weekend to say there were abnormal results and I was being put on the fast track referral. I wasn’t expecting a biopsy at all but it’s been 9 days and I’m literally panicking so much.
The odds are apparently in my favour but statistics don’t mean anything nowadays. I had a bit of bleeding after it and excruciating pain for the rest of the day. Like others, the bleeding then stopped and came back but more like bloody discharge and not so much in my knickers but more when I wipe. I think it’s finally stopped now
I’m so panicky and I don’t know what the normal aftermath is. I just want to know and I can deal with whatever it is the best I can. The doctors think it’s Endometrial Hyperplasia but google isn’t very good.
My head is everywhere