Stage IV bowel cancer with secondary Liver Mets

Hi everyone. 

My husband is 50 and  was diagnosed with Stage 4 bowel cancer and secondary liver mets in January 2019. To add to the mix he was diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease 2 years ago too. 

He has been on 2 different chemo drugs and has now had Cetuximab added as a third. 

He recently had a scan which we are hoping to get the results of next week.  These results will determine if he has a chance at surgery to cut the tumour out and then they can focus on the Liver Mets. 

We have a 9yo little boy who we are struggling to tell. He is aware that daddy is ill but, just having the conversation that will  stop his childhood is a proving a little daunting. 

I know kids are very receptive to things but this is such a struggle. 

Thanks and hello to everyone 

  • Hi Sharon 

    Sorry to hear about your husband. No advice with bowel cancer unfortunately, but my mum has just been diagnosed with stomach. Is that EOX he has had? How is the chemo going? There are lots of links on her to scholary articles about various cancers and treatment I have found worth while reading. What about speaking to a specialist nurse about the best way to explain to your son? I'm sure they have lots of experience in this.


    All the best