Vocal chord damage from surgery.


On the 5th February I was admitted to hospital because I had problems swallowing. I had multiple modules for some time and a goiter. I had a ct scan which showed that the left side was as very large and the goiter was also large, compressing my gullet and that was the reason I couldn’t swallow. When I was opened up my left vocal chord was split into 2, the surgeon has sewn it back together. At the moment it is still not working. I have been told that they don’t know what will happen, it could take weeks or even months or maybe not at all to come back. I have to swallow different and breath a bit different. I am really finding this hard. I have lost 1 1/2 stone through this and I am not eating much now just due to the swallowing side of things. I’m eating puréed stuff and making sure no lumps. I was wondering if anyone on here has exactly the same and could let me know of there experience and if yheee vocal chords started working again and how they dealt with eating proper food. Thank you 

  • Hello minnieme1972, 

    Welcome to our forum! I am so sorry to hear your vocal chord has been damaged by surgery it must be incredibly frustrating for you and I hope that it heals soon. Having to swallow and breathe differently must also be difficult to get used to and it's a shame this has also caused weight loss. 

    Don't hesitate also to give our nurses a call if you want to talk things through with them. You can call them on this free number 0808 800 4040 Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope you will meet others on our forum who have had a similar experience and that they will be along shortly to share their story with you. 

    WIshing you a quick recovery after your operation, 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator