Newly diagnosed with breast cancer and waiting for Scans

I’ve just been diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer but waiting for scans to check if it has spread elsewhere, I don’t feel well and feel like it has spread and am really worried what the results will be. At the moment it’s a large lump and has spread to the lymph node so starting chemo first, even though I pretty much knew it it’s been a very tough week 

I am positive about the treatment but just terrified this is going to change when they see if it has spread... the waiting is hurrendous... trying to have fun with my kids,work and keep busy but just walking around in a daze and trance... 

  • Hi Liv

    That’s good news on your scans and fingers crossed for your MRI result. 

    Sorry to hear the chemo made you feel so sick. How long do you have to have it for? I won’t know until after my op whether I’m going to need that or radiotherapy, so don’t really know much about it yet. 

    I’m initially going to be off work for 6 weeks but it worries me if I do need further treatment that I won’t be able to work through it. Still not much I can do about it so I should stop worrying! 

    What part or the country do you live? I’m in London.

    Take care and I’ll let you know how I get on.

    Alison x

  • Hi Alison, 

    how are you doing? How are you feeling after the op? I hope it all went well and you are recovering...


    im half way through the chemo now which is great.. on count down now then will have to prepare for surgery which they are saying is likely to be a mastectomy so just trying to get my head round that and looking at options.


    im in Woodbridge in Suffolk. Have you gone back to wor or are you having more treatment? I’ve been working a bit on and off which helps a bit but hard to get into it mentally


    sorry not been in touch for a while. I hope you are doing well and can enjoy some Christmas fun! 


    Olivia xx

  • Hi Liv

    It’s lovely to hear from you. How are you doing?  I’m glad to hear you’re halfway through and hopefully the next half will speed past. I’m so sorry to hear it might be a mastectomy. When do you think surgery will be? My surgery was a Diep Flap, so please if you want to ask me anything.

    My surgery went really well.  I had a few problems with swelling and had to make a few extra trips to the hospital, but it’s all settled down now and I went back to work a couple of weeks ago.... that was a shock to the system, but back just in time for the Xmas parties I thankfully haven’t had to have any further treatment other than Tamoxifen tablets for 5 years. They’re causing a bit of havoc with my hormones right now, but I’ll take that! I’m seeing the plastic surgeon at the end of Jan, so I’m hoping it’s all settled down and he can tell me when he will be able to do the nipple reconstruction and symmetry surgery.

    I can’t believe it’s Xmas in 9 days, the past few months have been a whirlwind haven’t they?! 

    I hope you have a fab Christmas.

    Alison xxx

  • Hi Alison, 

    so glad to hear it all went well and you’re back to a. Bit of normality...the last few months have been so crazy


    the timing of my treatment have worked out well so feeling my best for the chisrmas period and looking forward to some fun with the family and get really for the next phase of treatment.


    have a great Christmas and a happy 2019!! 

  • Hi

    I really hope you don't mind me joining in on your thread. I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer on Monday with 2 lymph nodes. 

    I came across your post about waiting for more tests and I am feeling exactly the same way you did. I don't feel well, aching all over and terrified that the cancer has spread.

    Reading your posts has given me some encouragement. I am glad to hear that you are doing well. 

    Also I am 41, so just a little bit older than you. 


  • Hiya, so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, such an awful thing to go through, I hope you and your family are ok. I was the same and didn’t feel well in myself and thought the worst but I guess a lot of it is psychological and all the stress prob causes some of it so try and not worry and all the best for positive results, the waiting is the worst  

    have they told you what your treatment will be?

    whtever it is you will get through it and get rid of it and anything you want to ask feel free

    take care and keep in touch xx

  • At the moment they have said chemo first before mastectomy. Is that similar to you?

    I have a day off from tests today, bone scan tomorrow.

    Very nervous about that as every bone is aching!


  • Hi Luna

    I’m so sorry to hear your diagnosis.  I agree with Liv re the stress. The shock and the waiting for results is such a stressful time.  I’d never experienced anxiety on that scale before and didn’t realise the physical pain it can cause. 

    I had a mastectomy 2 months ago and am doing really well, so if you have any questions on that please feel free to ask me.

    Good luck tomorrow.

    Alison x

  • Hi Alison

    Many thanks for your reply, it's so good to hear that you are doing well, gives me hope. 

    I've never felt anxiety like this before either. It's a journey into the unknown and I'm finding it hard to deal with. It's the fact that it is in my lymph nodes that is terrifying me. Does this mean its spread? 

    Coming to terms with losing my breast will be another huge obstacle. I have big boobs and feel like I will be losing half of me. 

    Will or are you considering reconstruction? 



  • Yes sounds the Same as mine is having 8 cycles of chemo and then surgery... if you want to ask any young about the chemo please do.. do you know when you start? 


    Good of luck tomorrow xxx