Newly diagnosed with breast cancer and waiting for Scans

I’ve just been diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer but waiting for scans to check if it has spread elsewhere, I don’t feel well and feel like it has spread and am really worried what the results will be. At the moment it’s a large lump and has spread to the lymph node so starting chemo first, even though I pretty much knew it it’s been a very tough week 

I am positive about the treatment but just terrified this is going to change when they see if it has spread... the waiting is hurrendous... trying to have fun with my kids,work and keep busy but just walking around in a daze and trance... 


    Hi Alison,
    I hope that it is good news.

    Kind regards,
    Jolamine xx


    Hi Liv,

    Have you heard when you are likely to get the results of your MRI and CT scan?

    Hope all is going well.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi jolamine, 

    thanks for getting in touch, meant to update you both earlier, I hope you are well? I didn’t end up having scans last Friday it was just to meet the oncologist but had MRI and bone scans this week and ct scan tomorrow

    bone scan came back normal which was a big relief and not sure about the others yet. Started chemo today which was ok but made it all very real and feeling pretty rough but all part of the course. I have amazing support so will get through it together ️

    Alison, I hope all is ok with you? Thinking of you 


    Liv xx



    Hi Liv,

    I am glad to hear that you have started chemo. How many sessions are you going to have? I know that it's tough going. Do your best to keep at it.

    Getting a clear bone scan must have been a tremendous relief - let's hope that some of the others show a similar result!


    Jolamine xx


    Hi Pposhes,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    Can you tell us a little about where you are in your cancer journey? Perhaps then we will find someone who can help you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx


    Hi Liv

    So glad to hear your bone scan came back as normal, that must be a huge relief. Fingers crossed for the MRI and CT results. 

    My third biopsy results came back as low grade DCIS and it’s confirmed I have to have a mastectomy as it’s a large area. I saw the plastic surgeon yesterday as I’m having an immediate reconstruction, a CT scan next week and then he said hopefully I’ll be able to have the surgery in a couple of weeks.

    I know what you mean about it feeling very real... I went home filled with fear! I just want to get on with it now and get It out of my body.

    Take care and please let me know how you get on. 

    Alison xx

  • Hi Alison, 

    sorry you have to go through that, must be very frightening for you, but just think it will be out and you can start recovery. Good that they are doing the reconstruction at the same time too.

    Keep strong and all the best for your CT scan 


    Liv xxx

  • Hi Liv

    How are you? Have you had your MRI and CT scan results yet and how’s it going with chemo?

    My op is on Thursday... feeling nervous now! I’ve been cleaning like a mad woman this weekend to try and take my mind off it.

    Hope to hear from you.

    Alison xx


  • Hi Alison, 

    i hope you’re doing ok, the waiting is the worst bit I suppose, prob best just to keep busy and It’ll be over soon! Let me know how it goes and  try and get rested before if possible 

    I had CT and bone scans which were all clear so that’s great, such a relief, still not heard from my MRI presume my consultant will discuss with me when I see him on Thursday. 

    Chemo was a bit of a shock to the system initially but feeling fine now, they said they will adjust some of the meds to stop me being so sick so will see how the next one goes just waiting for my hair to fall out now... wig at the ready

     feel so normal most days but not working now so all a bit strange 

    Will be thinking of you on Thursday 

    best wishes 

    liv x