Getting scan results back - how long does it take?

Hi. I had renal cancer last year which was completely removed along with one kidney. I am now subject to 6 monthly scans to check for any return. I am concerned though at the length of time it is taking fro me to be told the results. First scan was just before Christmas and it took over 4 months for me to hear that all was clear. No news is good news they say but that doesn't stop you worrying. Latest scan was early June and I still have no results. Just chased today to be told the results have only just come through and my consultant hasn't read them yet. So much for any no news is good news. I could have had something growing since Christmas and no-one even knows yet! I know the NHS is under so much pressure, but just a quick call to say all is well would do. Is this timescale "normal" at the moment?

  • Welcome to the forum RDC60s although I'm sorry for the reason that you've joined us.

    Many of our members here on the forum know how tough and frustrating it can be waiting for results and hopefully some of them will be along soon to share their experiences of waiting times with you. Your hospital will be in the best position to let you know about their current waiting times for results so if you are concerned about how long it has taken do get back in touch with them to query this and find out if this is the expected amount of time to be waiting for where you live.

    Our cancer nurses may be able to give some more insight in to this so if you'd like to chat to them do feel free to give them a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    I hope your consultant is able to let you know your results soon RDC60s. We'll have our fingers crossed the scan maintains the all clear results you had 4 months ago.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi,

    I hate to give this response but "it depends". 

    There is a national shortage of consultant radiologists (and radiologists in general) with over 10% of posts vacant so, unless the scan is marked as emergency or urgent, getting the results can take anything from 2 weeks to 4 months depending on where you live. The whole thing is a bit of a postcode lottery.  

    As a CRUK campaigns ambassador I've been involved in trying to press the government into sorting this out - the CRUK blog helps explain the situation

    It is bad practice to give results over the phone which adds to the delay as there are only so many consultants and senior registrars to go round.

    It is always worth ringing up and asking for an early appointment - the squeaky wheel s always the one which gets the oil.

    Good luck
