Urgent referral after ultrasound - trying not to worry

Hi there,

Following a transvaginal ultrasound on the weekend my GP called to tell me that she was making a 'fast-track' 2 week referral to the gynaecologist (they've now also called and I've got an appointment Wednesday next week). It's knocked me for six a bit and although I'm thankful that the wait isn't too long it feels like forever and I'm finding it tough, knowing that the 2 week referral can be because cancer is a possibility.

I've been getting symptoms (spotting and a bit of pain in my pelvic area) for around 6 months and in October had the most excruciating period pains and heavy bleeding, which has happened every month but one since. I knew something was up as that's not normal for me, so saw the doc in Feb, who referred me for the ultrasound. I'd convinced myself that my symptoms pointed to endometriosis, so when the ultrasound technician mentioned that I'd be referred to a gynaecologist to talk to me about my uterus lining, and she seemed surprised that I hadn't been experiencing symptoms for longer, I figured that maybe it was endo.

Then I got the call from my GP yesterday to say that the ultrasound showed thickened uterus lining and said she was making an urgent referral to gynaecologist, where they may do MRI or hysteroscopy. She mentioned a one-stop shop, not sure what that means? She then mentioned something about that they may find it's fibroids or polyps, but that they need to rule out cancer too. It was the secretary who called to book me in for the gynae appointment, and she said I'd be sent a letter with more info, so I guess that may give me a better idea of what tests they might do and what will happen at the appointment? 

Tried to talk to my mum about it to relieve my worries but she lives a long way away and is quite matter of fact about medical issues (she had problems with fibroids and had to have a hysterectomy, so has been through similar), which I do appreciate but I felt I wanted to be able to talk her about it more. 

Sorry for long post, would really love to hear from anyone who's been through/ going through similar. Just reading other's posts has been a big help.


  • Hi there - I had a BSO back in October.   I had to have it done abdominally which takes a bit longer to get over so 4-5 days in hospital is typical.  They say 6-8 weeks recovery after that and some people are OK quicker but I took a few weeks longer, I guess its all individual  They were thinking about keyhole which would been 2 or3 days I think where I was, although as above some may do it as day patient, and a quicker recovery time as you don't have the larger C-section/hysterectomy type cut to deal with,  and theres probably less 'messing' with your insides !!! :-)


  • Hi DaisyW

    Thanks for your reply.  Glad to hear you are recovering well.  I was going to ask if I could have my ovaries removed after they have done the examination this week in the hope that I can avoid getting ovarian cancer in the future. 

    Good to know the operation is fairly straightforward. :)

  • My biopsies were all benign in the end and I have been asked whether I think I went through it all unnecessarily, but there is a relief there that it's hard to explain to people who havent been under investigation for several months for ovarian cancer.    I wish I had been able to have keyhole but endometriosis found during surgery meant they couldn't.  I was going to have hysterectomy too, it turned into just the BSO to removes the tubes, cysts and ovaries.

  • So pleased to hera your news DaisyW. I have a 2.6 cm cyst on my right ovary that is being watched and just awaiting results of an endometrial biopsy. The cyst started off as 2.2 cm and seems to grow a mm every time I have an ultrasound.

  • Hi suemc1,  mine all felt rushed in the end as I thought I would have had mine monitored for a while.    I think I may have got a cancellation slot for the op as I only had a weeks notice after quite a wait for imaging and appointments.  I had had 2 pre-ops recently so they had some confidence I would be able to take up the place and  my cysts  were larger and with a raised CA and some strange features on the MRI so fit all their criteria for high risk.  I also had one simple cyst,although large they didnt seem too worried about.

  • Hi DaisyW - Well I am glad that all turned out well for you in the end as your problems sounded more comples than mine so far anyway so it shows you that things can turn out ok I have refused another CA125 test as the anixiety sends me crazy and if it has risen theyll just do another ultrasound which they have just done again so I can't see the benefit other than causing undue worry. I hate getting old!! I didnt have these problems pre menopause!!  I am also waiting for biopsy results from my uterus as I had some very very slight post menopause bleeds - barely noticable unless you really looked - which I do - and also I had some yellowish discharge but negative for any infection - Im two weeks into the wait for those results

    The endometrial biopsy is something else!!

    All the best to you ladies

  • Im currently in the same boat, however im 20 years old and ive been told i have Polyps which is very rare to have at my age. I wasnt told much during my transvaginal scan other than to call my gp to book an Gyno referral but when i did my research on it after i got kind of scared as they have to rule out cancer and the fact i have to get surgery. i have had terrible period pains for the past 3 years and only this week did they find something. Can someone give me advice on this situation as i was properly explained and i feel very shocked and feels as though a bomb was set off

  • Hi yumzz,  there are lots of us on here had similar frights with the 2 week referral and have an understanding of how you feel. I had a cervical polyp found during an attempted  smear, which I went for as I had some bleeding (and I'm post menopause) - it started off my 2 week referral as they said their process it usually to remove them and biopsy them, though they say they are usually benign.

    The good thing about the 2 week wait is you do not end up on a 6 month wait list, despairing, the downside is the sheer panic and to be honest, terror, when you read about the 2 week wait process and see the word cancer.   They say that they are usually ruling out anything malignant more often than suspecting it, but thats not how it comes across is it!  I know how scary it is, but try and get that first appointment with the specialist and see what information they can give you about your results.

    The  polyp I had  turned out to be benign,  as did everything else so please don't panic as much as I did - easier said than done XXXX 

  • Hi everyone,

    I had a transvaginal ultrasound today as I've had postmenopausal bleeding, not a lot and I noticed it was when I was dehydrated for some weird reason. I got my appointment really quickly thank goodness but I was the last on the list and when they found I had a womb lining thickness of 5mm I couldn't have the hysteroscopy as they didn't have time. I now have to wait a week for this next test. I'm worried sick as she tried to take a biopsy but couldn't as I had scar tissue from a Lletz 11 years ago. I'm dreading having this done and have no idea how bad it is to have a thickness of 5mm when postmenopausal. Anyone else been in this situation?

  • Hi there, I had  6mm and they didn't seem too worried.  They didn't even attempt a hysteroscopy at the first appointment as after the smear  they seemed  to realise I would need an anaesthetic,  she was  probably right there! ️