Urgent referral after ultrasound - trying not to worry

Hi there,

Following a transvaginal ultrasound on the weekend my GP called to tell me that she was making a 'fast-track' 2 week referral to the gynaecologist (they've now also called and I've got an appointment Wednesday next week). It's knocked me for six a bit and although I'm thankful that the wait isn't too long it feels like forever and I'm finding it tough, knowing that the 2 week referral can be because cancer is a possibility.

I've been getting symptoms (spotting and a bit of pain in my pelvic area) for around 6 months and in October had the most excruciating period pains and heavy bleeding, which has happened every month but one since. I knew something was up as that's not normal for me, so saw the doc in Feb, who referred me for the ultrasound. I'd convinced myself that my symptoms pointed to endometriosis, so when the ultrasound technician mentioned that I'd be referred to a gynaecologist to talk to me about my uterus lining, and she seemed surprised that I hadn't been experiencing symptoms for longer, I figured that maybe it was endo.

Then I got the call from my GP yesterday to say that the ultrasound showed thickened uterus lining and said she was making an urgent referral to gynaecologist, where they may do MRI or hysteroscopy. She mentioned a one-stop shop, not sure what that means? She then mentioned something about that they may find it's fibroids or polyps, but that they need to rule out cancer too. It was the secretary who called to book me in for the gynae appointment, and she said I'd be sent a letter with more info, so I guess that may give me a better idea of what tests they might do and what will happen at the appointment? 

Tried to talk to my mum about it to relieve my worries but she lives a long way away and is quite matter of fact about medical issues (she had problems with fibroids and had to have a hysterectomy, so has been through similar), which I do appreciate but I felt I wanted to be able to talk her about it more. 

Sorry for long post, would really love to hear from anyone who's been through/ going through similar. Just reading other's posts has been a big help.


  • Hi Liz,

    I have just been Fast Tracked through to the Gynae Cancer Unit, frightended me to death, thought I was only going to talk about HRT!  Unfortunately, they had sent me the incorrect letter and I wasn't in the correct place to have my Pelvis scan and my Transvaginal scan.  I had a very full bladder and couldn't walk to the department where I was supposed to be.  I'm in limbo now because I just don't know what to think and it's Christmas in a few days. 

    I hope everything turned out clear for you and you are now happy and health.



  • Hello Hope your doing OK I have adenomyosis and fibroid heavy bleeding dragging pain lots pain in pelvis I had a hysterectomy at age of 38. ( 2 yrs ago )had numerous colposcopys and mri.try not to worrie I know its hard I am currently waiting yo see gynie again due to having a 10cm heamorragic cyst on right ovarie then went back last Sunday to see how the cyst was doing and the lady said oh this is more serious now I need to put it through as urgent as they have have something on my left side so waiting game now to hear back from the gynie.

    Had nothing but problems since my hysterectomy reapeadtly uti had a vault hematoma after my hysterectomy and had to go back in hospital for I've antibiotics so the hysterectomy just created mire problems.

    Before my hysterectomy I was put on tranxemic acid tablets to steady the flow of blood I also had the mirena coil which also caused me problems.

    Good luck with everything