Tams Terminal

Just wrote this for my profile . . . cut and paste!!!!!!

Lung cancer diagnosed in September 2014: treated with op to remove left upper node and course of chemo (just in case)
Year later brain mets and told I was terminal with average prognosis of 6-9 months; treated with gamma knife surgery which was repeated a year later (October 2016) for a new tumour.
Still here and living reasonably without any medical intervention. Only real issues are related to the cancer treatment which has left me with peripheral neuropathy which will never get better.
I have been banned from Macmillan community forum for making statements about sugar feeding cancer: this was seen as 'negative' and 'unsupportive' of those people who enjoy cake. I'm banned but my comments are still there?
I'm hoping to find more empathy and support for my views on this forum??????

  • A big welcome to Cancer Chat Tams

    I noticed you have already received a warm welcome from our members and that you have had some interesting chats already. I thought I would just mention to those of you who are interested in this topic that there is a very interesting blog post on sugar and cancer in our science blog here. 

    A good read with a nice cup of tea or coffee, instant or not :D

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi SillyGal,

    If you thought that my tongue in cheek post was derogatory towards you then you have the right to be offended. I'm pleased that you think that alternative therapies have helped you and your dog but your experience is one person's anecdotal evidence, though not necessarily wrong for that. My sister tells me she cured her dog's tumours with curcumin or tumeric. On the other hand I have a niece who believes absolutely in fairies, because of one photograph. Even though the photographer admitted the photo was faked and explained how it was taken.

    If it helps I can provide you with plenty of other evidence that shows man's inherent idiocy, stupidity or ignorance, other than that posted. Indeed, I probably fit into a category or two myself.

    On a slightly different tack, sometimes the *sugary* nature of some cancer forums is a bit much to bear. I get it that everybody wants help and support, or maybe to vent, but occasionally, I like to be a bit realistic.

    We've got cancer. Some of us will get it again, because that's the nature of our cancer. Some of us will die of our cancer or it's treatments or side effects. Many will die of something else. But lots of people have other serious diseases. Most have some cross to bear.

    But are we all above criticism just because we've got cancer? Does cancer make us more intelligent or do we remain as intelligent or idiotic as before?

    Are we all expected to be snowflakes, all the time, to be pitied and sympathised with; can we not just be ordinary for a bit, with all the foibles and imperfections and idiocy that make us human?

    Has it occured that I, with a possible alternative point of view, would like a place to post as well? Or is what I have to say so unworthy because it's not sugary enough?

    And breathe.

    Please don't think that I'm in any way annoyed with what you posted, I'm not. And I'm in no way offended that you disagree with what I have to say or how I say it. Feel free to rant at me and criticise. It's all good.

    I honestly wish you well.




  • Taff, It doesn't bother me anyone's opinions whether it's meds, alternative therapies, fairies, or anything else LOL what does bother me is when those opinions can't be stated without name calling and/or individual bashing. I don't just think natural remedies have helped me and my dog. I KNOW it and my vet and doctor have both agreed so you can call them names, too LOL. I doubt it would bother them. Some Doctors disagree on diagnosies, treatments, etc. Some Scientists disagree with each other, but when something works for someone that helps their health personally, that is not the same as believing in something such as fairies or something similar.

    My husband when the doctor said he had anxiety sending him home from the hospital when I knew he had never had anxiety. If anything that man takes things too good LOL My instincts knew something serious was wrong and took him back to the ER the same day and talked to the ER doctor that agreed he would do a CAT just to make sure and turned out he had such a large brain tumor that they wouldn't even let me drive him to the hospital 10 minutes away that does brain surgery. Doctors can be wrong, anyone can, but whether a doctor, med, or natural remedy helps a person there is no need to appear to make fun of them or to compared them to someone that believes in fairy tales but I wouldn't bash someone if they did believe in that. I would state why I disagreed without name calling. How we treat people and how we talk about them speaks a lot to the kind of person others will think we are.

    I'm not offended. I know what has helped me and I know what has harmed me and my dog! I've done research for several years. I also know human beings are different what helps one might not help the other whether meds or natural therapies and that is why you get so much bashing from both sides. I do know with all the side effects of meds it's funny to me that anyone would bash natural remedies even though some of them are not safe, either, most are a lot safer than meds are. I am sure big pharma doesn't like them having to list the side effects of meds in my country that everyone should want to know so they can make an informed decision about how to best treat their health.

    I honestly wish you well, too :)

  • Don't recall calling anybody names or bashing any individual, although I have in the past told posters they were charlatans, trying to peddle something to the vulnerable.

    And what you might call individual bashing, I might call honesty. I've no doubt that there's a few things that appear to work for some people but the sheer amount of quackery out there stated as fact and the demand for respect for what is oft times nonsense and oft times untested and all times unproven, is staggering.

    I'm about to eat a cornetto. It'll make me feel good for a few moments. But I'm not going to claim that because it will make me feel good, it's efficacious for my cancer.

    Belief is a powerful force. Prayer has been shown to have a physiological effect on the person praying. Belief in a placebo can and does have a physiological effect. Until such things are tested in proper trials, it does not prove the existence of a deity or that the sugar in the placebo, is efficacious.

    And having now exhausted my supply of nonsense, I'll retire for a bit.

  • There has been some trials and studies with some natural remedies! Don't think my doctor or vet would agree with you that what has helped me and my dog lasted only a few moments LOL Been many years for me and a few years for her. When you say it's idiocy for an individual to believe something, to me, that's calling them an idiot. Yes, if you believe someone is an idiot for believing the way they do that is being honest. However, I do believe we can be honest in our opinions without either seeming to call someone names or outright calling them names. Yes, we know how we both feel so I shall leave it at that, too, with only wishes for you to have better health!

  • I'd be really interested to hear which alternative/complementary therapy helped your dog. 

  • Well, telemando, I could start by saying she had struvites and other problems when we got her at only 3 months old. Never gave her any meds! The pet specialist we took her to also said the pet food we were giving could be contributing to her other problems. We started home made after I did a lot of research on foods to give and foods not to give adding fresh cranberries to her diet (all gmo free) and I do know cranberries do not help all people or dogs! Her health greatly improved and she is now 12 and a half years old no kidney problems! But when she got to be around 10 she started having dirrehea and when she threw up the med the vet gave I stopped it and started her on pectin (Forgot to mention in my original reply the vet suggested the pectin!!) and she hardly ever has dirrehea anymore! Also on blood work then it showed her having a very high ALT or ALP can't remember which without looking it up and I started her on Milk Thistle non alcoholic and her values came down to normal. Now almost 3 years later her blood values have gone up again so I have increased the milk thistle to the recommended amount as I was giving her a lower amount before than recommended for her weight. I am realistic enough to know at her age what I am doing won't keep working forever. I am NOT saying any of this will cure anything or help you or anyone else or your dogs just like meds don't cure everything but I am saying the vet told me to keep doing what I was doing as he was very happy at how well she has been doing for her age! Now, I don't know if you are sincere or just wanting to start debating with me LOL but that's not all I've done for my dog. Anything else you can do research on as I have or ask your vet :)

  • Thanks Lucie - I have read the blog and cannot find anyhing to disagree with.
    My point would be that so much of our food today is processed to the point where the natural nutrition has been seriously depleted.  If the food does not satisfy our nutritional needs we just have to eat more.
    That's how we get fat.
    I try to eat natural foods and get more than enough carbs from green leafy vegetables along with dairy products and some protein.from fish and meat (I do my own processing)  This diet satisfies my needs so I do not need to top up with snacks which offer little nutrition.  Sugar is highly addictive (which is why manufaturers add it to much of the junk food on offer)  It took me a good four weeks to lose my cravings and I know it would not be in my interests to lapse.
    When I have raised the issue of nutrition and sugar with my doctors they encourage me to eat whatever I want.  The message I get from that is that it doesn't matter because I am going to die soon so might as well enjoy it.
    One other thing - scientists have known for a hundred years or so that cutting out sugar can reduce epileptic seizures.  I have managed to avoid those for over two years without any medication.

    I personally go for Dow egberts instant coffee.  Nice jars which I can paint with glass paints and give to friends as gifts.

    Thanks to everybody who has interacted with me today.  I have enjoyed the debates and sharing.  I didn't realise how lonely I was feeling. . . 

  • Hi SillyGal.

    Thanks for indulging my curiosity.  I'm more of a cat person myself, but not one of those cat people who hates dogs!