Good evening all,
As you can tell by my username, my name is Alan and I am 51 years of age. I was or will be again soon a national sales manager in the transport/road sector. Over three months ago after my cough which I have had for longer than I can remember getting worse, I was diagnosed with Lung Cancer.
As I am sure most of you will of gone through, I had two months of tests. CT scan, etc. After a meeting with a consultant I was offered surgery to remove the top lobe of my left lung, it was going to be a complicated operation as the tumor was on and around my bronchus so would require a sleeve resection.
After the final test, a pet scan they found a hot spot in my neck, they informed me if this was cancerous they would not operate. I went on holiday to Greece with this looming over me.
On returning from holiday I was told it was benign so the op could go ahead and was planned in for the following week.
Another CT scan followed the day before the operation. As I was in the General anesthesia room next to the operating theatre my surgeon popped in before I was put to sleep in inform me the tumor had grown so it might be the case he had to remove the whole left lung.
6 hours later I awoke in CITU and was told they managed to save the bottom lobe but had to do a double sleeve resection. I have just been informed that out of the 5 lymph nodes removed that two had the same cancer in them, so now I have to start Chemotherapy.
99 percent of the time I am positive, there is the odd time when I slip. I feel sorry for myself, I feel angry.
To be honest, the time I feel angry is with other people. I hate to feel this way but cannot help it at times.
One thing I have learned with having cancer is who really cares, I had a friend go through cancer and was there for them, I used to call every week to check on them. He used to call me brother....
I have not heard from him since just before my operation. Even close people/partner, it's like yesterday's news now.
No one offers any help, I am doing the shopping and lifting bags myself. If I take my top off I look like I have been attacked by a shark ! Luckily I do have some good friends who give me a call for a chat which helps.
I have read on here some of you who try and keep your condition to your self. I did this for the first 6 weeks.
It is better to share it and talk to people and family despite what I have said above.
So that's me, A little introduction along with a rant.