i had breast cancer last year with 6 sessions of chemo and 20 sessions of radiation. My treatments ended in July with chemo and September with radiation. Months after chemo my finger nails started to hang lose from the nail bed but the sides of the nail was attached to the nail bed. I had to secure them with plasters. I was never told this would happen. It took a month before the lose nails came off on their own. Then early this year my right toe nail developed a sort of a bump and gradually came of the nail bed and it took a month for it to come off. Then it started on my left toenail. That eventually came off. I now keep my nails very short. I was never told this would happen. My GP couldn't even understand what was happening and suggested that I use Mavala nail strenthener . My nails both fingers and toes are originally very strong. They never split or break. Even when they were hanging lose they were very strong. I learnt recently that in France they pre-warn cancer patients about this and apply a certain oil or something on their nails. I asked my breast surgeon about this and he said he'd never heard of it. I just hope this does not happen again as I was told chemo stays in our body for several years so all kinds of side effects can still take place. I also have lymphodema and have been going for therapy and I wear a sleeve and gauntlet. Very uncomfortable feeling but have to live with this lifetime. Self massage eases the heaviness and pain caused by the fluid.