Hi I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer but fortunately it was caught early and it is only stage 1 with a tumour size of 8.5mm
Fortunately removal of any lymph nodes was not required. I am seeing an Oncologist tomorrow to establish whether or not i need to have a course of
5 Radiotherapy sessions, and also to be informed of what medication would be best for me. I have been taking a low dose of HRT for around 15+ years
and obviously because my cancer was Estrogen reciptor i have had to stop taking it. !! I felt no pain or discomfort after surgery, but the only thing i am
struggling with now is my hot flushes and night sweats have come back with a vengeance!! and i am really suffering at night with disturbed sleep.
I suppose it's a small price to pay for ridding my body of cancer but i do have other medical problems that also disturb my sleep, i have been recommended
taking Sage and red clover pills which i have been taking for a month, and so far they have not helped. Can anyone who is struggling with the same side
effects recommend anything else they you have tried. It can't have any Oestrogen in it . Many thanks and Good luck to all you lovely ladies that are going through
survival of breast cancer.