Hello my name is Ina and I am 76. Last July I had severe cramp in my abdomen like period pain that lasted around five hours.no diarrhoea and only some dry retching. I eventually fell asleep and pain was gone when I woke up. Saw gp who felt nothing wrong with gallbladder or appendix. Suggested buscopam. for future spasms.Nothing amiss until two and half weeks ago. Same strong pain but accompanied by volatile diarrhoea and plenty of vomiting that was quite fierce. After seven hours of same Rang 111 and saw a gp who found my abdomen sore in places suggesting inflammation. Could be a bug or food poisoning from a burger and chips I ate in fast food place day before. Said it should settle in 48 hours. Vomiting did cease and diarrhoea dried up.Stomach distended and sore….. and still had strong cramps but not constant. Next few days seemed better but still bloated and cramps still there and unable to pass motions. It is now two weeks and four days and I feel much better. Drinking lots of water and added husk to my fibre intake. Upsetting to get a positive FIT result of 34 and now fast tracked for investigation. Stomach quite soft mostly and cramps minimal. Stools range from small round balls that are very firm and not easy to pass. No visible blood. Have a ct scan scheduled. Is it just a coincedence that this positive FIT has followed the gastric episode so soon. Is 34 a high reading? Any input appreciated. Had the old fob test 2023 all good .