Hi all - mass found during colonoscopy. Been told it's most likely cancerous

Hi everyone 

I just wanted to pop on and introduce myself.

so I'm steve and on the 4th feb I had a colonoscopy after I kept seeing blood in the toilet for quite along time and they found a mass and I was told on the day that it's more than likely cancerous so I'm sure I'm not the only one but I was terrified and if I'm honest I still am even more so because I'm still waiting for the biopsy results, I'm trying my best to stay post but it really is hard.

so I went for a MRI scan and also a CT scan and at this point I'm waiting for the results but yesterday I got my next appointment that I have no idea what it's for all I know is it's with a surgeon so I'm hoping they may tell me what's happening.

so yes that's me sorry it's quite short but I never really know what to write in this type of thing so I guess that's my introduction, thanks for reading.

  • Hello Steve  , 

    Sorry to hear that you are having to deal with this issue.  It's very good that you have been getting all the tests done . The next appointment will be to explain what's been found and how they will proceed .

    I do know it's difficult to stay calm but please try some calming breathing techniques . Also v. helpful is the Bach rescue remedy... used it for years for stressful situations. 

    Always take someone with you to appointments and ask if you can record the meeting on your phone .Alternatively get a notebook  , jot down key words  to read through at home . If you don't understand something....say so and have it explained until you do . Come back to this forum whenever you can. There are many positive stories from some very brave people to be found here ..... yours can be one of them .

    You can do this , stay calm and strong . 
