Hi everyone
I just wanted to pop on and introduce myself.
so I'm steve and on the 4th feb I had a colonoscopy after I kept seeing blood in the toilet for quite along time and they found a mass and I was told on the day that it's more than likely cancerous so I'm sure I'm not the only one but I was terrified and if I'm honest I still am even more so because I'm still waiting for the biopsy results, I'm trying my best to stay post but it really is hard.
so I went for a MRI scan and also a CT scan and at this point I'm waiting for the results but yesterday I got my next appointment that I have no idea what it's for all I know is it's with a surgeon so I'm hoping they may tell me what's happening.
so yes that's me sorry it's quite short but I never really know what to write in this type of thing so I guess that's my introduction, thanks for reading.