
Hi I'm new, I've just been referred on the 2 week referral due to extremely low iron and blood being found in my FIT test .

I'm really worried, I've been reading online and I'm convincing myself it's worse case as I'm reading things that could be signs of bowel cancer which I think I've missed and thought it might be something else.

I've been contacted I need a colonscopy so am waiting for an appointment but I can't get the worry out of my head - i don't know how anyone else copes or if there are any suggestions to help me try not to dwell on this and carry on until I've had the test and been given the results 

  • Good morning Jayne   ,

    I'm sorry you're having to deal with this worry , I understand your anxiety but I'm pleased you are being seen quickly . Dr Google can be useful.....but can't diagnose individuals. Shortly , following tests, your doctors will give you not only a diagnosis according to your specific symptoms,  but a treatment plan

    The human body is so wonderfully made and we don't always pick up early symptoms of disease because they could be signs of all sorts of things .. Don't beat yourself up about what you may have missed ......hindsight is just that .

    We've been through this situation a number of times and I have found that the Bach rescue remedy is very calming . Find it in any pharmacy. Breathing exercises are also excellent... find them online. Also , try to keep busy with positive things while you wait . This waiting period seems very slow , but once you know what you are dealing with time goes by more quickly. 

    A little verse I have pinned up . "Your strength will be in keeping calm and showing trust " .

    Stay strong  Zillah 

  • Thank you I'm trying to keep myself occupied and I'll look for the Bach remedy.

    Sorry to hear you've been through it a few times