Loz - ultrasound found thickening in womb. Had biopsy today but it was so painful that I couldn't continue. I'm so upset and feel like a failure

I had some bleeding, I’m 64, I’ve had an ultrasound and results show thickening in womb, 5.4. Had no idea I was going to have a biopsy at appointment today and couldn’t cope with the pain. I feel really pathetic that I couldn’t cope. The nurse said they managed to get a little sample but the Dr was unsure if it was enough. I now have to wait 3 weeks before my results and if my sample wasn’t enough, I then have to wait for an appointment for a general anaesthetic to get a better sample- and another 3 week wait. I am so upset, if I had known about the biopsy and the pain, I would have taken painkillers in advance which might have got me through it. It hurt so much even for just a short time. I feel a failure and that’s adding to my worries about the possibility of cancer. I’m scared and sad. 

  • Hi I just wanted to say you are not a failure in any way ,the same thing happened to me ,I had no idea I would be having a Hysteroscopy on that day and that they'd be taking biopsies until I got in the room ,it was either there and then or go on a list for a GA ,in the end I decided to have it done then ,it was so very painful and I kept holding my breath and they kept telling me to breathe ,somehow I got through it and in the end it all turned out fine ,so don't feel like a failure you weren't to know ,it would have been a shock ,I hope you get an appointment for a GA quickly if required ,let us know how you get on .