Diagnosed Prostate Cancer T2c

Hi All

This is still very fresh in my mind and not sure whether i have taken it all in.

its only been 5 days that I was diagnosed withT2c Prostate cancer.

I have made up my mind for my treatment but yet to inform the Nurse.

Does anyone know the time frame from being diagnosed to treatment.

Take care everyone

  • Hello Gazla, 

    There is so much to take in after being diagnosed with cancer so it's not surprising that just a few days after being diagnosed you are left with quite a few questions and uncertainties. There is information on our website on prostate cancer which you will hopefully find useful and which includes detailed information on treatment for prostate cancer . It's great that you have now made up your mind for your treatment and once you are sure this is your preferred treatment option for prostate cancer you should indeed inform the nurse. I am not sure myself what the time frame from being diagnosed to treatment might be and it might depend on several factors including the type of treatment you are going for or the area where you live but the nurse will be best placed to give you a good indication as to what the waiting times are currently like for your type of treatment. 

    There is bound to be a lot for you to take in at the moment and a lot of questions perhaps may arise. We have a nurse helpline you can contact on this free number 0808 800 4040 - it is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Don't hesitate to give them a call if there is anything you feel is unclear following your diagnosis and which you would like to discuss. 

    I hope that you will also hear from other members of our community who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and that they will be able to tell you more about the treatment time frame for example based on their personal experiences. It's also always nice to hear from the stories of others who have had a similar diagnosis before and are further along in their treatment. Whatever treatment you decide to go for, I hope that it goes well for you and that you won't have to wait too long to start. 

    Best wishes and good luck for your treatment, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so much, I feel a lot more positive and hopeful in such a short period of time engaging with other people who share.  Its given me a light

  • Offline in reply to Gazla

    Morning   sorry to hear your news  im 56 I was diagnosed  early December  stage 2 confined cancer I went back to see urologist  on the 18th  was booked in to have a prostatectomy  21st January  I could of had it fine a week earlier at another hospital but decided  I liked my local 1  .  My uncle was diagnosed  stage 2 confined 2 weeks before me  he started his hormone  treatment  at the same time his radiation starts in March  hope this helps  a little