Newbie - diagnosed with male breast cancer

Just been diagnosed with breast cancer, Found the lump week before Christmas and 4 weeks later I'm about to start Chemo. Feeling very positive, ready to kick this into touch! 

My thoughts at the moment are that I am desperate to let people know that only 370+ Men are diagnosed each year with this cancer. I didn't, and I want to tell them to Check, Check, Check xx

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat Denny although I'm sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with breast cancer.

    The number of men diagnosed with male breast cancer each year is low but as you rightly point out, it's so important to check and be aware of any changes you've noticed in your body, so thank you for making this post and spreading the word.

    I can see you'll be starting chemo soon, so I just wanted to wish you good luck and to also give you our cancer nurses telephone number. They're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and you can call them anytime you have any questions about your diagnosis and/or treatment or when you just need to talk things through with someone.

    Hopefully you will receive some support from our members soon but in the meantime, we're thinking of you Denny and wishing you all the best on this journey.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Steph,  

    Thank you for your reply, sorry did not really introduce myself, well I'm coming up to a young 72, still listening to all my old rock albums but also anything else that takes my fancy, that goes from blues, country, and even the Proclaimers.

    Married to my gorgeous and so thoughtful wife for 47yrs, Two kids, one of each who have flown the nest, a beautiful Granddaughter and me crazy dog. 
    We are all gob smacked with this news about my cancer!, and there were tears from us all. But at the moment I have got my head in the right place, I hope.

     Had my appointment yesterday for an MRI scan, did get it done ok, and all the staff were lovely and were happy with the pictures. But with being a big guy I found it a bit of a struggle? It was impossible for me to try and lie on the table which looked like it was designed for a 10st person? We did sort it in the end so on to the next appointment next week with the oncology professor. Will keep you posted.