Difficulty swallowing

Hi I have been diagnosed with throat cancer been told I might need a stent as doctor had difficulty putting camera down to burn tumor I am now struggling to swallow almost everything I get excruciating pain in chest when eating and have wind coming up when I try to swallow sometimes feel sick and clear fome coming up is this normal or should I phone my doctor any advice would be great ps I hate talking on phone 

  • Hello Handy-man

    I'm sorry to hear about all that you're dealing with at the moment. Please do get in touch with your doctors it's best to try and get on top of things as early as you can, particularly as it's the end of the week and if you need support over the weekend there can be delays in accessing services. 

    If you're struggling to talk on the phone perhaps there is a family member or friend that could call on your behalf. 

    I do hope that you can access the help you need to improve things whilst you're waiting for the stent. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • I am expecting a hospital appointment next week to see if going to put the stent in cancer nurse said she spoke to surgeon about it and he said if there is difficulty putting camera down to burn it they will put a stent in he said he booked me in incace I need stent will do same day if I don't hear about appointment by next week will call my nurse thanks I am in fourth valley area