Ovarian stage 4cancer my wife was diagnosed with.

Wife diagnosed with ovarian cancer stage 4,very quick in getting treatment started on weekly doses of 2chemos for 18weeks,then surgery removal of ovaries n tumours elsewhere in body,op showed surgeon had cleared all tumours,but turns out now she still has high count of cancer in her blood counts,now will be given further treatment to try keep it from forming again,but been told cannot be cured of it,will return just dont know when,is there anyone else going through same now as been told this treatment tot try keep it at bay has lot of bad after effects like know if any ways to help these an ones you sufferd.ive looked at other drugs an would like opinion on these 2drugs if possible they are invermeciten,fenbandazole not used by nhs is there evidence these do work as only going what read on facebook. been using now homeopathic remedys,pomagranate juice,beetroot,citrus fruits,berries,lemons,green tea,apple cider vinegar,maukahoney,coconut water,ginger,cinnamon,tumeric but not when on chemo as interferes with it not be used.has anyone got anything they know i can help her with to fight this cancer from my side as feel helpless times,have got impression docs only go by chemical means,sorry post is long but i just want help her much as i can to keep her with me ,as im sure all of you in same position feel same way do anything try anything.thankyou for reading this an replys i may recieve.

  • Welcome to the Cancer Chat Jim, although I'm very sorry to hear about your wife's cancer diagnosis.

    I just wanted to stop by as I saw you were wanting to find out more about Ivermectin and Fenbendazole and whether there was evidence they work. Whilst Ivermectin and Fenbendazole have been approved for the treatment of infections in dogs caused by some parasitic worms and lice, as well as skin conditions, there is currently no scientific evidence or research to suggest that these drugs can be used in humans for cancer treatment or to cure cancer. We know you want to do all you can for your wife Jim, and that it can be very tempting to try anything as a last resort, but many untested drugs or alternative therapies can be very dangerous, and can actually cause more harm. This is because they are unregulated and have not been tested in the same way as conventional cancer treatment. I hope this information we have about alternative therapies and the safety of alternative therapies will prove useful at this time.

    I noticed you said that you have been reading about Ivermectin and Fenbendazole on Facebook. As you can see here, the information has been fact checked and the articles have been shown to be unsafe and inaccurate. I know it can be difficult to find safe and reliable information about cancer treatment online but you do need to be careful when coming across articles or stories that claim something is a cancer cure. When this happens, it's important to research and fact check what you have seen, and I hope these tips we have about using the internet to find information about alternative therapies will help you in the future.

    If you would like to talk any of this through with one of our cancer nurses, they are available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful and will do all they can to answer any further questions you have about this.

    We're thinking of you Jim and wishing your wife all the best with the next part of her treatment.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator