Wife diagnosed with ovarian cancer stage 4,very quick in getting treatment started on weekly doses of 2chemos for 18weeks,then surgery removal of ovaries n tumours elsewhere in body,op showed surgeon had cleared all tumours,but turns out now she still has high count of cancer in her blood counts,now will be given further treatment to try keep it from forming again,but been told cannot be cured of it,will return just dont know when,is there anyone else going through same now as been told this treatment tot try keep it at bay has lot of bad after effects like know if any ways to help these an ones you sufferd.ive looked at other drugs an would like opinion on these 2drugs if possible they are invermeciten,fenbandazole not used by nhs is there evidence these do work as only going what read on facebook. been using now homeopathic remedys,pomagranate juice,beetroot,citrus fruits,berries,lemons,green tea,apple cider vinegar,maukahoney,coconut water,ginger,cinnamon,tumeric but not when on chemo as interferes with it not be used.has anyone got anything they know i can help her with to fight this cancer from my side as feel helpless times,have got impression docs only go by chemical means,sorry post is long but i just want help her much as i can to keep her with me ,as im sure all of you in same position feel same way do anything try anything.thankyou for reading this an replys i may recieve.