I'm just worried and after a lot of appointment and googling It has not helped.
Im 31, 3 kids all c-section, polysistic right ovary .
To start off , a few months ago I started bleeding EVERYDAY between periods. My periods would be heavy and passing clots for quite a while but I just put it down to back to back pregnancies and breastfeeding.
my gp had a Quick Look and removed quite a bit of blood enough to fill half a flute.
I went for a TUSV scan and they could see one polyp. And my right ovary was polysistic.
so I went for another scan and was told I had thickening and one suspected polyp.
I then went for a hysteroscopy to remove it, however procedure was stopped half way through as it was too big and had too many veins.
after I asked her how big the polyp was she tells me 2-3cm. I was then booked in for a Myosure (this uses a bigger camera and better tools to remove)
so I'm just thinking the worst at this point. Also to note my bleeding got worse I think from it being disturbed by camera. Doctors gave me pills to stop bleeding and it slowed it enough to get procedure done. Then I start getting really bad pains in my lower left side. I get an appointment for a few weeks time.
I go in camera goes in and they remove 3 polyps. 2 of which are wrapped around each other both 3cm. It was very painful . The last one didn't hurt as much. They removed all polyps and I'm looking at the pictures. The biggest one was a horrible yellow colour and the one it was wrapped around looked veiny. The last one looked almost like nothing.
I was quite straight with her I asked if they looked bad. She told me they looked irregular and she would be very interested to see the results as they will be biopsied along with some of my endometrium layer. I also asked would they have seen the polyps whilst doing the c section and she said it's not fair to say. I had my child a year and a half ago.
I've been going out of my mind. Only really been able to talk to one friend about this. I've been keeping it all to myself. Just keep looking at the pictures and thinking the worst.