Prostate cancer

Morning  all on this chat my names crouchy  first of all excuse my grammar its shocking bu I guess like everyone  on here it's the last thing I should be worried  about I was diagnosed  with prostate cancer mid December I'm only 56 but I guess cancer don't take prisoners  NHS was fantastic  I had the operation  Tues  21st January  I'm hopefully  1 off the lucky ones as its stage 2  I have 11mm lesion on left hand size its a bit confusing  when I spoke to consultant  he said it was slow but could become aggressive I had a list off questions  I took to ask him unfortunately  I didn't write that one  the operation  was shocking nothing  to do with NHS whilst awaiting  recovery  obviously  in recovery room I just started to here nurse calling my name to wake me when suddenly  she shouts out my BP was in free falling  I was aware everyone was there in seconds I felt them putting  something  down my throat then I blanked  this happened  a few times I finally  got stable 7 hours later taken to ward  my stay was ok they had just discharged  everything  was fine I  sat down to get ready when out of the blue started feeling chest pains my wife rushed to the nurse within seconds crash team was there never felt pain like it BP was horrendous  soaked in sweat I passed out with th pain in the end  went on long time  but they stabilised  me  by what is can gather those off the air that they pump into me got into my chest cavity  they said its very rare  has any one else experience  this obviously  I'm still pumped up with drugs and get very emotional  talking about it but I need to to hopefully  put it behind me  I no its a very emotional  time having cancer slightest things set me off  sorry if I've bored you this is my first letter I just wished I'd kept a diary  so many feelings so much going on right stopping now but who ever reads this thank you and hope all are well or foing the best they can x

  • Hello Crouchy and welcome to Cancer Chat,

    The forum is here for you to use as you wish, so please don't feel like your post is wrong or boring. I'm very sorry to hear about your recent experience while in recovery, it must have been difficult and I can understand that you would be feeling all sorts of emotions since then. We have guidance around how cancer can make you feel and managing your emotions on our website, which might be able to help you process some of what you're feeling and hopefully navigate your way forward. It might help to talk about how you're feeling with those close to you and your healthcare team, if you haven't already. We also have a cancer nurse helpline if you'd like to speak to them about anything. You can call them on the freephone 0808 800 4040 and lines are open from 9 to 5 Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes to you,

    Moderator Anastasia