I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in 2022 and now diagnosed with lung cancer last week

I’m a 74 old male. I was diagnosed with oesophageal  cancer in 2022 and received chemotherapy, radiotherapy, followed by surgery in February 2023. Prior to starting treatment I had a PET scan which not only showed up my oesophageal cancer but also prostate cancer. I started treatment for this in July 2024 consisting of hormone treatment followed by radiotherapy. This finished last November, and so far  is looking OK.

 However having suffered a number of chest infections since my oesophagectomy  I approached my GP last October to discuss why this was. She sent me for a CT scan which showed something in my right lung which was finally confirmed as lung cancer last week. I am now waiting to hear what stage it is and what the treatment plan will be.

It seems that as fast as I defeat one cancer another one appears. Just wondered if there Is anyone else out there who has suffered multiple cancers. 

  • Hello 3dimension,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat and I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis.

    It can feel like an uphill battle sometimes, but please know that your medical team are there to support you every step of the way. This forum is here whenever you need it and I'm sure people in a similar situation will reply to your post. While you wait for the appointment about your treatment plan, we have information around secondary lung cancer, which you can read at any time, and we have a cancer nurse helpline 0808 800 4040. You can contact the team for free and lines are open 9 to 5 Monday to Friday.

    I hope this is useful and all the best to you,

    Moderator Anastasia