I’m a 74 old male. I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in 2022 and received chemotherapy, radiotherapy, followed by surgery in February 2023. Prior to starting treatment I had a PET scan which not only showed up my oesophageal cancer but also prostate cancer. I started treatment for this in July 2024 consisting of hormone treatment followed by radiotherapy. This finished last November, and so far is looking OK.
However having suffered a number of chest infections since my oesophagectomy I approached my GP last October to discuss why this was. She sent me for a CT scan which showed something in my right lung which was finally confirmed as lung cancer last week. I am now waiting to hear what stage it is and what the treatment plan will be.
It seems that as fast as I defeat one cancer another one appears. Just wondered if there Is anyone else out there who has suffered multiple cancers.