Prostrate Cancer

 was diagnosed with Prostrate Cancer about six months and and although the Nursing Team have been helpful. I’m having Hormonal injections  treatment. Unfortunately it shuts down any erectile feelings. In other words I’m now part women.

considering I’ve been married four times and have Eight Children,lossingtgose mechanics bas cone as a shock. However my major 

grief is not knowing the signs of when my body can’t cope anymore.. is death quick or painfully slow.

i care for my suck wife 24/7 and with no help at all , so answers are imperative.

any ideas.


  • Hi Terry,

    It sounds like a lot to deal with and I can understand your questions.

    It will be your doctor or medical team who is best placed to advise in terms of helping to understand what to potentially expect. Try to talk through your questions or concerns with them when you can, and get as much information as possible.

    In the meantime, hopefully you'll get some more replies from others on the forum soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator