Don't be complacent

Nov. 2022 I saw my GP about a blister type mole on my left shoulder. He said it was nothing but as it was catching on my clothing he would remove it in one of his in house clinics. Five months later he did that despite it ulcerating and growing. 7 weeks later it was confirmed as melonoma. WLE followed in Aug 23. Followed by 12 months of immunotherapy. In April 2024 at routine scan lung nodule noticed. Nothing to worry about they said. By July it was 40% bigger. Lung wedge resection in August 2024. All clear in lung but inflammation to diaphragm and liver. MRI yesterday and consultant wants to see me on Tuesday. I am so worried. 

  • Hi,

    I'm sorry to hear you are going through all this and you now have an appointment for your latest results. I've sent you a friend request so that, should you wish to chat, we can do so by private message.

    I'm sure that your medical team will be formulating a treatment plan depending on the results. Good luck & please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)