Non curable liver cancer

Hi i  jun last year I had the right side if my liver removed as it was cancerous. In dec i was told it had come back and they couldn't cure me. I'm on treatment to stop the growth but it will eventually end my life. I do not know or want to know how long I've got left. Im Struggling as I'm only 56. My oncologist doesn't seem to understand and I feel like they given up on me. Are these feelings normal? Any advice would be so gratefully received. Thanks 

  • Welcome to our forum, Freddiesnan.

    I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but I’m glad you’ve found your way here. This is a very supportive space where many others understand what it’s like to face such difficult news, and I hope you’ll find comfort in connecting with them.

    If you’re looking for more information about liver cancer, you might find this page from our website on liver cancer helpful as it covers a range of topics that may be relevant to your situation.

    Please also know that our cancer nurses are available if you’d like to talk things through. You can reach them Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, on 0808 800 4040.

    We’re here for you, Freddiesnan.

    Best wishes,

    Cancer Chat Moderator