Son diagnosed with incurable cancer

I am the mother of a young adult recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. Everyday I wake up to the nightmare of what is happening and I’m finding it hard to arrive at a place of acceptance. I don’t know where to go with it or what to do and my mind careens from hope to despair to grief and back again. He doesn’t want anyone outside of the family to know so I’m limited in who I can talk to and do not want to burden the other family members as we are all under extreme pressure right now. I’ve started to isolate myself and feel like I’m shutting down. I’m writing this post in the hope that I can start to make sense of this awful situation. 

  • I can offer no practical advice. It must be awful  - bad enough when an older family member or partner of almost 50 years. There is no sense to be found. 

    But you will endure and one day it will be the "past". All I (and I think anyone) can say is hold on from day to day. And send utmost sympathy.

    Take care.


  • Hi ColourYes

    Im so sorry about your son, I can't begin to understand how you must be feeling and have no words that can help. Talking to people in the same situation as you may help, there are lots of cancer charitys that offer counselling also the macmillan forum is split into sections that make it easier to connect with people in your situation. Sending hugs. Xx

  • Thank you Dave, your message was very grounding. Taking one day at a time is probably the best practical advice I can follow. I will endeavour to take one day at a time.

  • Hi Bungle, thank you for your kind words. It’s been comforting reading posts from others in similar situations, though somewhat heartbreaking too. I’m shocked at how many people are affected by this terrible disease and really grateful for this space to reduce the burden of suffering.