Rollercoaster - having lots of emotions after finding out I have breast cancer

Hello there! I have been diagnosed with breast cancer last week and I am still a bit stunned by it all. I have tried to be positive and put a brave face, specially in front of my children. I am naturally quite an optimist and always try to see the best in every situation. But the truth is that in the last few days I have found myself quite anxious at times, bursting into tears randomly and feeling quite isolated. It is in one of this moments that I am writing this post hoping for some support and advice. Thanks!

  • Hi Maremoto,

    A very warm welcome to the forum.

    I am sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis and just want to reassure you that the way that you feel is perfectly normal. You obviously don't want to burst into tears in front of your children, but let those tears flow when you're in private, as they help to relieve the stress. Getting a cancer diagnosis is something that knocks us all for 6 and even the strongest of us, find our emotions all over the place.  Do you know what type or stage your cancer is? Some are more aggressive than others, so it is helpful to know. What ages are your children and have you told them anything yet? Do you know anything about what type of surgery or treatment is planned for you? It becomes easier to cope with when you know more about what lies ahead and there are fewer "unknowns".

    I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer within a year of each other. I had a lumpectomy for the first and a double mastectomy for the second bout. I won't say that treatment is a breeze, but it is "doable" and is improving all of the time. I am now 15 years down the line from diagnosis.

    Please keep in touch. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx