Coping with the worry of cancer coming back. How do other people manage?

Hi I just want to introduce myself.  My name is Debs and I was diagnosed with bilateral triple negative bc, both primaries in 2019. Is it normal to still worry about it coming back as a secondary? Sometimes I feel like I'm losing it. Xx

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Debs.

    It sounds like you've been through so much since your diagnosis in 2019, and it’s understandable that you’re feeling this way. Many people who’ve had cancer find that worries about it coming back can linger, even years after treatment. You’re certainly not alone in this, and it’s important to be kind to yourself when these thoughts arise.

    It might help to know that others on this forum often share similar concerns, and they might be able to offer tips on how they cope. Some find it useful to focus on what they can control, like following their care team’s advice or finding activities that help them feel calm and grounded.

    If these feelings are becoming overwhelming, speaking to someone can make a big difference. Our team of nurses are here if you’d like to talk things through. They’re available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, on 0808 800 4040.

    Take care of yourself, Debs, and remember that we're here for you whenever you need a chat.

    Best wishes,
    Cancer Chat Moderator