Facing head-on again - I've had breast cancer twice, husband has rare melanoma at the back of his eye. Happy to help anyone on their journey

Hello everyone, or anyone who may read this.   I have had the unfortunate or fortunate experience of Cancer both for myself and other close family and now my husband. I do actually use my experiences as a font of knowledge and understanding.    My own Cancer was Breast Cancer twice but any years apart. Here l still am and wishing there was more acccess for new patients to hear about people like me….the Survivors!     My husband is about to find out about his latest scan and biopsy, he had a rare Melanoma tumour at the back of his eye last year.      Cutting to the chase a bit….my experience over the years of various scans and tests and treatment have often, and are now, certainly helpful for anyone about to embark with the fear of the unknown in these various areas. All information and explanation these days provided by the clinics are superb BUT it’s nice knowing from someone who has been on the receiving end.     I have just joined this and will dip in now and then and attempt some comments hopefully of support.   I am a mature lady…grandmother to many and as l said “Still here” when my first cancer was when my children were little…..it IS possible to carry on.        Maincoon

  • I'm sorry to hear how prevalent cancer has been in your life Maincoon.

    I can only begin to imagine what you have been through having faced breast cancer twice but it's great to see how positive you are and how much you want to help others and I'm sure our members will really appreciate any support or first hand advice you can give them as they embark on their own cancer journeys.

    I hope your husband's scan and biopsy results bring good news, but if either of you have any further questions or concerns you'd like to discuss with someone then don't hesitate in giving our cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040. Their phone lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they'll do all that they can to help.

    We're here for you Maincoon and we look forward to seeing you around the forum again soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Maincoon, I’m so sorry that you have had to deal with all of that, I previously have had vulval cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) that was treated by removing the affected area and no other treatment was required that was almost 12 years ago. I found a lump last week and was referred for a mammogram and an ultrasound at the ultrasound they said it needed a biopsy and they put a marker in, the nurse was brilliant after the doc left she said he wouldn’t have biopsyed if he didn’t think it was anything other than cancer but they did this everyday and the lump ( an oval black hole on the ultrasound) would just be removed. I now have a 2 week wait for the results ( I’m not dealing well after 12 hours so 14 days is daunting) I’m also due to have my injection for chemical menopause due to endometriosis and now don’t know if I should continue this, this disease really does know how to turn your world upside down. I was wondering if you could tell me your experience from scan onwards if you feel comfortable, I have a million questions and theories and not so nice thoughts of what it means for life in general I’m 48 years old and am in a bit of a mess with it all.


  • Dear jobieejo.   What a lot you are dealing with at the moment, l am so sorry, the waiting makes your thoughts go all over the place. As you probably already know, the biopsy they take gets scrutinised in the lab to find out IF it’s Cancer and more importantly what kind…that’s what always takes the time. When they see you for that result they should already know and if necessary already have a plan in mind.  There are so many IF’s at this point( which is probably what you are thinking) IF they suggest surgery is necessary.. IF they suggest treatment plan, what?     However, any scan you may have suggested to you is necessary is easy to prepare for in that  although each scanner is varied in some ways you will not feel anything. They will always supply the necessary information in detail as to what the scanning entails and describes the machine and what to expect.  Some are noisier than others, it’s just the ‘workings’ of them.  IF you have to have an injection for one of them…again that’s fully explained, it’s just a contrast a small amount that helps the imagery pick up better. You don’t feel anything during the scan or after.       When you ask if l was comfortable, was that about being comfortable during scans OR to do with after effects of surgery maybe?    I am happy to respond again if you want further ‘chat’ about it.     Summing up that though. Scans are fine, necessary and quick to get over with, non invasive.   Surgery when advised is necessary is like all operations, with rest and time the healing is actually very good,and l have always personally believed for me….they took the cancer away so l was willing to lose my breast in order to lose the cancer.    If you can get access to a Cancer nurse l think you will greatly benefit hearing yourself out loud say to someone your thoughts, you deserve to be able to do that.   Hope l haven’t said toooo much just trying to respond best l can        Maincoon

  • Hello Steph.  I will certainly at some point soon ring your cancer nurse number. Thankyou so much for your contact and comments.    Sadly my husbands results day were devastating for him, and, even though l already knew what they were going to probably say, watching my darling husband take the news was one of the saddest moments of my life.     However, onwards and upwards….as l said to my husband, we left the house in the morning the same people with him having the same situation on going but came back through the door as if everything had changed completely.   Yes, the difference being obviously we were delivered reality of news we hadn’t had…..but nothing else was any different!  Don’t know if you may understand the way lve put that?!       I now do feel the load….it will be a gradual change of role where l take on more responsibility, care, driving etc etc.    and the fear of this unknown that we all experience with this.       Thankyou…l will need a little chat. Maincoon