Prostate cancer - which treatment to have? Radiotherapy or radical prostatectomy

I am 58 and recently been diagnosed with early prostate cancer (gleeson3+4)- no symptoms but caught by a psa test and then subsequent mri and confirmation by biopsy. I have 2 treatment pathways : radiotherapy or radical prostatectomy. The decision of which treatment is mine to take. Has anyone else been in a similar situation where they have to choose their treatment? If so would you mind sharing which treatment you chose and the reasons you made that choice.  Many thanks 

  • Hi Bishboy, have you looked at all the different kinds of radiotherapy?

    I chose brachytherapy, I had to have HDR which is high dose, because of location of my cancer I had to have 15sessions of External beam too. I have some side effects but not as bad as if I'd chosen External beam only ...Please speak to your oncologist or the specialist nurses... I believe brachytherapy to be the one with least side's not available everywhere but it's worth travelling for it ...

    You will probably be on Hormone therapy first, which will affect you libido, may I advise you too still give yourself erections before during and after treatment or you will lose erectile tissue ( permanently)... you may feel it doesn't matter now it's secondary importance,  but Post treatment you will want to be active sexually again. 

  • Offline in reply to ME68

    I was Gleason 3+4 too... no symptoms only PSA test detected at 64yrs.....please get as much information as you can Prostate Cancer UK literature and nurses to speak to on telephone...I believe you will only be offered the treatment available locally...if you choose a specialist or hospital elsewhere you can ask to be referred there.

  • Hi ME68, Many thanks for sharing, it is much appreciated. I have a consultation with the radiologist on Wednesday to explore the radiotherapy route. RT seems to be the most complicated given the numerous guises it has. 

  • Hi, best wishes with the appointment. I'm happy to answer/assist you with any other questions you may have. 

  • Hi I'm 56  gleesoon 3+4   I had a 11mm lesion  on left hand side prostate   I was told I had 2 choices radiotherapy  or prostatectomy   I from the start wanted prostatectomy  the reason why  is I'm 56 reading about radiotherapy the cancer can come back if you have seed or radiotherapy  and it doesn't  work there reluctant to remove the prostate  I'm now 8 days after prostatectomy  has it been plain sailing no do I regret it definitely  not I've still got a mountain to climb small steps fantastic  wife and family  sorry to hear you have it but there is light at the end  off the tunnel  

  • Thanks for sharing Crouchy, I wish you well in your recovery 

  • Bishboy if you don't mind me asking did you get the answers you want from your meeting  on Wed 

  • Hi Crouchy,

    I spent over an hour with the radiologist and he was very helpful explaining my cancer condition: size, location, stage etc and why he thought it was encapsulated within the prostate. He has advised external beam radio therapy ( 20 daily sessions over 4 weeks Monday to Friday with weekends off) combined with hormone therapy for 6 months.  He said which ever treatment route I choose he expects ‘cure’. I feel that there is no further information to be gained and so I’ll decide between RP or RT this weekend. I think I’m leaning towards surgery because it removes the problem. It’s a ‘gut’ decision rather than a decision based on facts and figures

  • Evening Good luck with your decision  did they give you a time scale off when treatments or operation  would start 

  • Hi I wish you the very best, but may I humbly suggest  you consider brachytherapy ,my understanding is you are less likely to have side effects,  ie difficulty with incontinence and erections.....