Nervous wreck

Hi everyone just joined and already feel a bit better ! My story is I became breathless in August and GP sent me for aXray which said my diaphram was elevated and was pressing on right lung and I had some opacity on lung and to wait 6 weeks or another X-ray to see if it had improved .I went for a private Ct which confirmed e,evation and showed no other problem ! Eventually had appt with a respiratory doctor who wanted another scan with contrast which I had she said she can’t rule out cancer then she wanted a bronchoscopy which I had and it was clear  ,She. now  want pet Ct with contrast sure,y if my first Ct was clear and bronchoscopy was clear I’m hoping this is clear too. But so stressed as breathing is not improving ! Anyone else had this problem ?

  • Hi Bromley,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear that you've been experiencing these issues. It's good that they are being thorough with the testing, although I appreciate this must be tough with the uncertainty and also the continuing difficulties.

    I hope that it won't be long to wait for your appointment and any results to follow, and that you get the information you need soon.

    In the meantime if others here have similar experience to share then hopefully you'll get some more replies soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator