
Radiotherapy what’s the smell only I can smell

  • Hi Mickyboy75

    I had this when I was having radiotherapy, I mentioned it at my weekly assessment and was told that they don't know why it happens but it is something that some people experience. Not much help but it appears to be a normal reaction for some people. X

  • Yes it’s strange plus my socks really smell never had smelly feet in my life, but I asked one radiologist he said it’s the skin reacting to radiotherapy, and skin burning, getting very tired now, had bad day Thursday and getting very breathless makes it worse when you have copd, takes everything out of me walking up 12 steps on stairs, have appointment with oncology consultant tues see what meds to put me on, think it’s starting to hit me now as it happened so quick from doctors to surgery about weelks and getting a bit frightened now.

  • Hi

    I'm sorry you are finding things hard. I don't know what type of cancer you have but I understand the feeling frightened I think it is totally normal to feel that way. I know its easier said than done but try and keep yourself busy with things you enjoy and focus on the things you can control. Sending hugs. X

  • left breast cancer and lymph nodes under arm, can’t really do much as also had strokes so ri side weak, and have copd so get breathless quit easily, but do try and push my to do what I can.

  • My cancer is different to yours but always here to chat if you want or you can do friend request and chat privately. X

  • Meant to say, I go on the macmillan forum aswell it's divided into the different cancers so it's easier to talk to people with the same cancer as you. The people in my cancer section are very supportive. You may find it helpful. Xx

  • Hello I’ve tried to use the forum but can’t seem to find how to post, had my meds approved new blood thinners plus one for tummy to stop bleeding or something like that, all goes over my head good job I take my daughter' plus tamoxifen but can’t take them until consultat says next week as I’ve had strokes in past, using aloe Vera for burn area un arm well blitzed and tightness , can’t wait for bed as tiring all this, plus had my gene test and I carry the gene so daughter needs testing plus grandsons, keep well mick.

  • I'm sorry you're having some difficulty using the forum Mickyboy75.

    I can see you've managed to reply to Bungle1 which is great, but if you need any further help, don't hesitate to consult our handy forum guides.

    I hope these help and you feel more confident using the forum soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi do you mean you can't find how to post on macmillan? There's a lot of information to get your head around at appointments so its good your daughter comes always good to have someone with you or record on your phone so you can go back over it later. Aloe vera is good for burns but if it doesn't cut it ask your team for some creams I had 4 different ones from mine. Sending hugs. Xx