Biopsy for tonsil cancer

Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me with an estimated wait time for a tonsil biopsy. I started having problems late October and after 3 visits to my gp I got referred to a consultant on the 27th of December. He told me he wanted to check for tonsil cancer and remove my tonsil at the same time. This was three weeks ago and I’m so scared as I thought I would have had the biopsy by now. I’ve had mri scan ct scan dental X-rays neck ultrasound and even a pre opp but still no biopsy to check for cancer. I am worried I’ve been forgotten for the biopsy or is it normal for it to take some time. I’ve been back to my gp as my symptoms have got worse since the weekend but he refused to contact my consultant. 

  • Think this is meant for pummi...

  • Offline in reply to Jayne10

    Hi Jayne 10, sorry to hear your news, I feel for you with the pain, hopefully the radio and chemo will do the trick and won't come with a lot of  pain. I had the lump removed and further work on the tonsil area on 10th Feb so am dealing with a painful throat which isn't nice but doing salt water mouth wash, although it hurts, gives some relief, I have a huge scar round the base of my neck where they removed the lump, I'm going to start using bio oil as soon as it heals to try to  help it soften and fade a bit. Unfortunately the op didn't get everything, apparently the cancer is round my carotid artery, so the plan is the do a 6 week block of radio and chemo to try to see it off as they can't do any more via operation. All a bit disappointing but fingers crossed radio and chemo will work. Looks as though we are on similar journeys. I have found Difflam spray, which you can get over the counter, gives a little relief to the throat. I have to say I was so glad to leave hospital, it's impossible to rest and where I was they had the heating up so high I felt as though I was slowly being poached. My friend collected me from the hospital at 5 pm, we were home by 6pm I was in bed by 6.30 and slept off and on untill 7am next day, managed to get out with my friend and the dog and it felt so good to be in the fresh air and moving around, I found it quite unnerving how quickly you start to feel feeble just laying and sitting around so I'm making sure I'm sensible but getting some steps in and fresh air, also because of the sore throat, to make sure I'm at least getting some protein and vitamins etc, I've been having ready made protein drinks. Like you I've still a lot of unknow to go through yet, let me knowhow things go, how are you doing at the moment?

  • Offline in reply to pummi

    Hi sorry to hear about your scar and hospital stay and that you will also be needing chemo and radiotherapy. I’ve only had one stay in hospital so far and the Ice cream was divine I could have stayed. I’m also trying to keep busy and keep as normal as possible, I had the spray before I knew it was cancer. I have some left I’ll give it a try as I didn’t realise I could use if post surgery. The pain is getting better and I’m managing some food but when I start my treatment it was take a backwards turn. I’m missing pop and spicy food at the moment. I have to have 5 teeth out this Friday in preparation and also having my radiation mask made next week. I have to wait for something called a pet scan before my treatment starts. But trying to remain positive that I come out of this the other side with as little side effects as possible. Great to hear you have a little dog and by the sounds of it a good best friend. I live alone with my son who’s 17 I’m a little worried how watching me go through my treatment will affect him as he will be looking after me. He’s a good boy no trouble and I have 3 older children then with their own lives but hopefully they will help out. I’ve also got 7 grandchildren and don’t want them to see me unwell. I’ve been prescribed the drinks but as I’m managing to eat relatively ok at the moment I’ll keep them as a last resort while I go through my treatment. Good luck on your journey. 

  • Offline in reply to Jayne10

    oh ***, sounds as though you're having a rough time, but the good thing is there's a plan and things are moving forward. It sounds as though you've got a lot of people in your life. I know what you mean about not wanting to put people through your ordeal, but your son will have a lot to deal with and it might be wise to let family and friends be involved to share out the support even if it's only for you both to have people to talk with and to know there's someone there if things get tricky. I have 3 friends and a brother all of whom I'd been keeping at arms length, not wanting to tell them to much, but since the op etc I've let them know everything and they've been amazing, it's like have my own special team, with phone calls, emails and just general keeping in touch and being there if I need it, they've even got a whatsapp group so they share things with each other. The good thing is they know I'm managing but the 'team' will help if necessary, and while I was initially reluctant it gives me great comfort now. I'm keeping everything crossed for you, do keep in touch. x

  • Offline in reply to pummi

    Thanks that’s a great idea I never thought of a group chat. I will definitely set one up. Because while at the moment I’m still able to drive and take myself to appointments further on in the treatment this might not be the case and having to attend velindre 5 days a weeks for 6 weeks for treatment is going to take some organising. I also have a brother he came with me to my diagnosis and has been making so much soup. Yes I will keep in touch. 

  • Morning Jayne10 and pummi..  apologies for jumping on your  chat ...grated fresh ginger or powdered [ as an alternative]  is great in soup or tea..very healing and soothing..used for many ailments i the Caribbean ...for it's natural properties.. I make soup every day and always add ginger and coconut cream  

    Thinking of you both..

  • No need for apologies always welcome and thanks for the advice. How do you add it is it fresh ginger? I have been drinking a tea my brother gave me and that’s got ginger in it and I find it’s helping and also very refreshing.  

  • Thanku Jayne....I buy fresh and chop it finely, I blend my soup when cooked so no lumps of ginger that can be very it can be grated but difficult for arthritic hands...wonderful for migraine/headache  ...

  • I love ginger, so do use it regularly and you're right it does help, I've got a ginger cordial on the go which is nice, had to water it down a bit to reduce the fierceness but it's nice.