Hi, I found a lump in my neck early November 2024, had MRI, CT, PET scans and 2 attempted biopsies they weren't able to provide definitive diagnosis. As a result beginning of January 2025, I had tonsillectomy and further biopsy, I've now been told cancer is present and they intend to do a neck dissection to remove the lump and also further excision of the tonsil area to try to make sure whatever is there is removed. This is happening early February, I am nervous and am trying to process the fact that I have cancer, I am glad that things seems to be happening quickly, I really don't want to be in hospital any longer than necessary, I understand it's a 2/3 day stay and then recovery at home. I found the tonsillectomy very painful and am dreading the excision more than the external lump removal, I would be grateful if any one has any tips on aiding recovery, I will have a friend staying for a couple of days when I get out and I assume I may see a district nurse for any wound dressing changes or of course do it myself.