Toddler kidney cancer

My gorgeous cute adorable 2yr old grandson was diagnosed with kidney cancer just before christmas, christmas was very hard for all of us as he started his first course of treatment so had to stay in ospital  he was 3 last week and spent his birthday in hospital too he’s such a brave little boy still happy and a little cheeky chops whereas we are all struggling to come to terms with what’s happe ng we were given more bad news yesterday which devastated us his cancer has spread to his bones we are all trying to stay positive but as his nanna i’m trying to stay strong for everyone i have lot guilt if i cant help at times or i have to go work i’m just trying my best it’s just so horrible and devastating i still don’t think it’s sunk in what’s actually happening

  • Hi Jewelz67

    I have the same as your grandson and feel your pain. I can recommend phoning the macmillan helpline on   0808 808 00 00 .

    They were very helpful and it helped me to talk to people who understand what we are going through. Please don't hesitate and I wish you and  all your family the best.