Cancer twice

Hi I had breast cancer 2019 been in remission since 2020.

2024 May was diagnosed with leukaemia AML. Six months of treatment in hospital 28-30 days each round of chemo. October 2024 was told I was in remission the bone marrow aspirate was negative no blasts left at all. Good news I was told I am a stoic person I literally took each day as it came had a few rough time had colitis and E -Coli when neutropenic. Since being home  I have the fear of the leukaemia returning of another cancer I know can happen due to treatment. Hopefully it does not return at all. I am 70 years old I still work and hope to return to work next month (February). I feel like Ned to work on myself to get fitter have more energy but I need to push myself and make enquiries as to what I can do to help myself 

  • Hello LesQuig

    I'm sorry to hear about all that you've been through over the past few years. It sounds like it's been really difficult for you at times while you've been undergoing treatment but it sounds like you have a positive approach to the future despite your concerns about another cancer diagnosis. 

    Do talk with your GP about what options there may be available to you in your local area to help improve your fitness. It may be that there is a GP referral exercise scheme available that could be an option to help you feel physically better. It's also worth exploring what counselling or talking therapies may be available to help you learn to overcome the fear that you've described in your post. If there is a Maggie's in your local area you could also get in touch with them. 

    If you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses for some advice and support you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any information and help they can. 

    I do hope that you're able to return to work next month as you hope and wish you continued good health. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator