Tongue cancer

Following diagnosis which took nearly two years I went through what I would suspect were all the normal feelings, shock, anger, blame and everything in between having said that I started treatment in November 2024 consisting of daily radiation therapy for 6 weeks and weekly chemotherapy for 6 weeks. The treatment was what it was and may be I’m too hopeful but the initial recovery is what I’m finding difficult, I was admitted to hospital to have a feeding tube fitted because I was struggling with a sore throat. Whilst this did what it should I have not been able to drink or eat normally since due to the soreness in my throat, I still have the feeding tube which is doing what it should but I finished my treatment on 20th December and was hoping that the soreness in the throat might have eased off but it is absolutely no better and is a soreness that is very extreme, meds do help a little but not much and I’m not due my first appointment until January 31st.

I am going to contact hospital on Monday but has anyone had a similar experience either good or bad?



  • Hi GQ5,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling with this soreness. You mention calling the hospital, so I hope by now you've been able to get some advice on this, or can do so soon.

    In the meantime if others here have similar experience to share then hopefully you'll get some more replies to your post soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator