Still Can't Quite Believe It!

Hi Everyone - this is my 1st post. It's approaching 2am and today I had my 5th chemo session of 18. I'm so tired but my brain is too busy partying to let me sleep - the nurse says it's the steroids.

In September 2024 I was diagnosed with Grade 3 TNBC. An absolute bolt from the blue! Caught on mammogram.Surgery in October and Chemo began in November, once I had a TIVAD fitted. The last 4 months have been a whirl of appointments and information. I look in the mirror at this bald, tired woman with scars and swelling from the TiVad and surgery and still need to say, "Have I really got it? Are they sure?" Incredibly I feel like some kind of fraud.

Is there any one else who does this and feels this way? On the outside I keep smiling and positive but my mind is a constant babble of scary and depressing thoughts. I think maybe because I  don't feel able to say any of this out loud to anyone. I would feel a lot less 'crazy' if I  knew this was 'normal'

  • Hello Bun66,

    I understand exactly how you feel.  Had/have exactly the same thoughts as you, I even asked my oncologist are you absolutely really sure you’ve not mixed me up with someone else.

    And yes it is natural to feel the way we do, just know that treatments are getting better all the time and you are not crazy or alone on here. I have lung cancer so do not understand your treatment but positivity is a huge asset so you look back at the mirror image and see who you are, all the good things you’ve still got to do, put your big girl pants on and take another step forward.

    Positivity, good nutrition, exercise and your oncologist (plus beautiful chemo nurses and clever radiologists) are you current best friends. Be guided by them and when you are on your own you are not because there are lots of us on here who feel the same way you do on your good days and the same way you do on your not so good days. 

    big hugs Bun66 


  • Thank you so much for your kind and reassuring words....funnily enough I had just given myself a stern talking to before I read your message and 'big girl pants' were mentioned then too!!!

    Everything you said was spot on and exactly what I needed to hear, so thank you, it was much appreciated!