What is sleep - chemo seems to be making my sleep pattern very erratic

Hi all fellow insomniacs. I am  currently undergoing chemotherapy for muscle invasive bladder cancer prior to having my bladder removed.. I have two more sessions left to do. I find my sleep pattern very erratic usually unable to sleep for long periods as I can go to the bathroom four/five times a night and even more after chemo.. I’m hoping that once I have my bladder removed I may have what for is a dream at present six/seven hours sleep.. 

  • Hello Mikeessexlive

    I'm sorry to hear that you're currently struggling with sleep while undergoing treatment for bladder cancer. It's understandable that you're finding it difficult to get quality sleep when you need to get up to go to the bathroom regularly through the night. 

    It's certainly worth mentioning this to your health care team who may be able to offer some advice and help to support. Or offer some reassurance that things will improve once this treatment phase has been completed. 

    If you'd like to talk with one of our nurses you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope things improve for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator