Oesophageal cancer

Just been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer and barrett's syndrome and hiatus hernia,  as if that's not enough,

Waiting to hear what sort of treatment will be recommended . Probably at hospital.

Has anyone had this successfully treated?

  • Hi Corgi and welcome to the Cancer Chat community.

    I'm sorry to hear you've been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, as well as barrett's syndrome and hiatus hernia. As you say, that's a lot to be getting on with, but I hope you're doing o.k given the circumstances.

    Hopefully some of our members who have received the same diagnosis will stop by when they can to share their experiences and advice, but if you'd like to discuss any of this further with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful and will do all they can to answer your questions and put your mind at ease about what's to come.

    Do keep posting if you find it helpful Corgi and remember that we'll be here to support you every step of the way.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Corgi, 

    sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in May 2023. If it’s treatable then Lots of CT scans PET scans etc. I had Chemotherapy followed by surgery in October 2023 then a further session of Chemotherapy! It is tough but it is treatable if caught early. I found lots of useful advice on here but any questions please feel free to ask someone usually reply’s .

  • Well I have seen the surgeon and about to have a pet scan

    I have started to summarise things to try to balance out what to do

    Barrett's oesophagus,  pre cancerous, lining has changed to similar to stomach lining,
    Hiatus hernia
    Cancer of the oesophagus near to the stomach


    Cut out oesophagus,  take part of stomach to create new oesophagus, resize stomach.
    Potential problems
    One in three chance of major problem requiring 3 months in ICU
    One in three chance of minor problems requiring a month plus in hospital
    One in three chance of no problems
    Long term: digestion problems, milk intolerance, considerable weight loss, possible need for feeding tube
    No driving for up to a year
    Never return to present status re strength etc

    Do nothing
    Situation will worsen over time

    Will keep everything in check, hair loss, general weakness

    Overall I have perhaps 3-4 years.

  • Hi Corgi, 

    glad you’ve finally seen the surgeon and got some answers. I know it seems very daunting when you have just had a diagnosis but although the treatment does knock you about there are plenty of people that have had surgery and still here 10 years after compared to none here who didn’t ! Yes there are possible complications but if the team didn’t think you were suitable for surgery they wouldn’t offer that treatment. Ref your concerns yes it is a different way of life after surgery but it is still a life I was driving after 6 months approx 4 weeks after having the feeding tube out they left it in situ for the second round of chemotherapy after surgery just help to keep up the calorie intake. I eat most things now but it does take a while to discover what upsets you and what doesn’t but I luckily can eat most things just smaller portions and eat more often. Energy levels mostly back to pre op levels and back working again. 

  • Surgery Is out? Because of my age, chances of living 90 days is negligible.

    So Chemotherapy is the only choice

  • Hi! Really sorry to hear this,  I had Papillomatosisin the throat, that eventually was closing up, mak8ng it impossible to eat. I had the Ivor Lewis surgery, this was three yrs ago this coming March and have never looked back.

    It was later found out that it was cancerous so I was extremely lucky.

    One other thing was I had no Chemo or radiation so no scar tissue for the surgeons to deal with.

  • Offline in reply to GemGef

    Hi Gemgef, they are having another conference to plan out the alternative route

  • Offline in reply to corgi

    I hope that they can sort a good alternative for you. Please keep me updated, and jolly good luck!

  • Offline in reply to corgi

    Hi, me again,  been reprimanded for mentioning name's etc, but good luck and keep me posted.