Rose - malignant mole behind my eye

I have recently seen a consultant regarding a mole behind my eye. It is turning malignant. I have been offered treatment soon or the choice to have it observed. The treatment is radiotherapy and removal. I am concerned if I leave it the risk of it spreading but I know I most likely will have some sightloss from the treatment. I’m concerned it may grow more into my eye too, it’s my choice but I’m really not sure what to do. 

  • Hi Rose,

    Have you found the Ocular Melanoma website? They are a fount of knowledge for your type of melanoma & they also have a community page where you can chat to others experiencing (or having experienced) the same decision.

    Good luck and I hope all goes well, whichever choice you make.

    Angie (Stage 3 superficial spreading melanoma patient since 2009)