
Hi I had breast cancer 8 years ago,all clear.

Last year got diagnosed with cervical cancer,which I'm still going through

Month ago got diagnosed with angiosarcoma in my breast from the radiotherapy 8 years ago

Anyone else been through this ? Apparently very rare thank you

  • Hi Jayney22, 

    You've certainly been through an awful lot in the last 10 years: first breast cancer, then cervical cancer and that you are now having to deal with angiosarcoma of the breast and it is linked to the radiotherapy you had 8 years ago. It does seem very rare but I have managed to find another member who posted about a year ago this thread on angiosarcoma -  mentioned at the time having been diagnosed with angiosarcoma and would be a great person for you to connect with as they may be further ahead now in their angiosarcoma treatment journey. This is just one example and if you type the word 'angiosarcoma' in our forum search which is located at the top of the page, you will be able to find other discussions on the subject and feel free to respond to any relevant thread. 

    I hope that you will be able to meet others here who find themselves in a similar place and if you wanted to give our cancer nurses a call and ask them anything about angiosarcoma, feel free to get in touch with them on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Lucie.

    I would be happy to chat to Jayne..I am in recovery from my 3rd surgery from last year..please pass on my details 
