Newby diagnosed with breast cancer

New here,just diagnosed breast cancer,but upbeat.get my plan next week

  • HI Boolay,

    A very warm welcome to the forum.

    I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but glad to hear that you are managing to keep upbeat. Do you know what type or stage your cancer is yet? I am sure that you are anxious to get your plan and start treatment.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi, New to the group too. I was diagnosed with Breast cancer at the end of October. It’s been a whirlwind! Hospital have been fab and have my second cycle of EC chemo on Tuesday. How are you finding things? 

  • HI Sarjh31,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you've been afflicted by cancer too and agree that it is quite a whirlwind to start with. Have you had surgery yet, or are you having chemo before this? I am glad to hear that your hospital has been fab. Place your faith in your care team and you'll soon be through all of this.

    There is light at the end of the tunnel. I am 15 years down the line from having 2 bouts of breast cancer, within a year of each other.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi! Chemo first for me, I am terrible at reading things or reading too much into them perhaps…

    thank you for the warm welcome: I feel sometimes like I’m waffling trying to make head and tail out of it all xx

  • It's   grade 2.caught it early.just waiting to hear about a scan they want me to have great I must say,op then radiation therapy,but haven't had final meeting yet to discuss things.

  • Hi  

    I was diagnosed in September, got 2 surgeries, and I just took my cycle 2 EC chemo last Monday. It seems that we are on a similar timeline.

    My hair has almost gone in these two weeks. Feeling not as sad as before. Happy to receive a hat with wig which I bought on Amazon, it cheers me up today.

  • Hi Sarjh31,

    Don't worry about waffling - most of us do it at some stage. I expect that you will still be reeling from the shock of discovery and the natural fears about outcomes. Everything happens so quickly at the beginning, that it is hard to make head and tail of it.

    How are you coping with your chemo?

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi, I am also stage 2 - have had lumps removed from breast and all good and nodes under armpits as well which showed some were cancerous. So now having established that I don’t need chemo in ten days time start radio - for 15 days min. Reading up on different posts, more stressed and concerned so am going to stop googling - in my case doing more harm than good. Hoping almost at the end of this journey and can get on with my life. Having my planning meeting this week for radio which takes 3/4 hours as you have to have a scan, in my case more bloods and I assume explanation of process - onl know this as I insisted to find out what happens next and having moved 200 plus miles away not easy for me to nip on a train if, which they tried to do change things last minute.

  • I’m stage 1 grade 3,  I have 3 cycles of EC then 12 weekly cycles of paclitaxel. Followed by surgery, radio and hormones. Pretty full on. Got a wig appointment on Thursday afternoon. That will confuse the kids at school


  • HI Devonite,

    A very warm welcome to the forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you find yourself here. It must be particularly difficult when you have recently moved so far away. Would you consider moving to a more local hospital? We moved 400 miles away last year. Both of us have a lot of health  issues and had some concerns about transferring our care to a new NHS area. There were a few initial problems with the transfer of some of our medical details, but the care that we've had down here, is far superior to that we received up north. Having your radiotherapy more locally would be much easier for you, than having to travel so far for this treatment.

    We usually advise people to avoid consulting "Dr Google" at the beginning of your journey. Much of the information is poorly researched, out of date and aimed at the more spectacular cases. This doesn't give you any answers and only serves to scare you even further.

    I hope that your planning meeting this week goes well. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx