New here, mum has cancer and disappointed with medical support so far.

My mum was diagnosed with secondary Breast cancer and now it’s in the spine 4 months ago , she is on 3rd cycle of chemo and in a break .

Her next Chemo is not for another 10 days which means they have left her for 4 weeks without treatment and no communication.

it has been over Christmas, on Christmas Day we took her to hospital and in most of the day , they gave her tablet morphine to take 2 a day and liquid morphine.

this is now not working for longer than an hour maybe two.

rang macmillan nurse they told us to ring  EAB , waiting number 5 for over an hour , rang macmillan nurse back … no answer left message , 2 hrs later no reply .

another MacMillan helpline told us to ring the Ward, we tried and they told us they can only pass on information.

I just feel very let down  by the health system and my mum doesn’t want to call an ambulance to sit in an uncomfortable hall way waiting hrs to be seen like Christmas Day.

we just needed advice and support on medication and how to help my mum with the pain and no  medical professional seems to want to help .

we feel we have just been left to it .

  • HI Michj,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you feel so let down by the health system over the holiday period. Why don't you phone your mum's GP and explain that your mum is still in pain, with the Morphine that she's been given. Does she have any nurses or carers coming in to see to her needs? It sounds as if this should be being arranged for her too.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you both.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Offline in reply to Jolamine

    Hi thankofor replying Jolamine ,

    sorry I haven’t replied .

    we are just so frustrated with the care givenso far .

    They are so clinical and our McMillan nurse seems void of any feeling.

    They don’t want to give my mum any more steroids , so she picked up for a bit whilst she was on them and now back to sleeping a lot and in pain .

    they have upped the morphine tablets .

    They have also said her cancer markers have gone up from 210 to 250 and said it’s spread , but didn’t elaborate or explain any of this in easy terms .

    they have stopped her treatment and said they will discuss a different treatment next week , then ended phone call so embryo t without asking if we had any questions.

    this means my mum would have had no treatment for six weeks .

    The Gp told us to speak to oncology.

    pass the buck all the time .

    I really didn’t think the care would be this awful , no care or compassion.

    thanks for listening to my moan and responding to my last post .


    take care in your cancer Journeys people and really hope your receiving better care than my mum , who has paid in all her life …. Makes me want to Jump of the grid and not pay into the system anymore.

  • Offline in reply to Michj

    Hi Michj,

    Have you tried writing down any questions you have, or any aspects of your mum's care, that you are unhappy with. Make it clear at the start of any conversation, that you have questions that you need answers to.

    If you don't get anywhere with this, have you heard of PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service). They offer confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters. They provide a point of contact for patients, their families and their carers.

    You can find this service on the NHS website, from your local GP, or hospital.

    "PALS can give you information about:

    the NHS

    help you with health-related questions

    help resolve concerns or problems when you're using the NHS

    tell you how to get more involved in your own healthcare

    the NHS complaints procedure, including how to get independent help, if you want to make a complaint,

    support groups outside the NHS"

    Don't hesitate to contact them  in the hope of forcing some improvements to take place. You are not asking for anything that your mum is fully entitled too.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx